God uses the Ordinary to do the Extraordinary

by Rick

(Read Acts 15)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  On Fridays I like to provide a recap of what we have learned during the week.  This week we covered Acts chapter 15.  In this chapter we learned of the council at Jerusalem, the letter to the Gentiles, and Paul and Barnabas’ breakup.  I will briefly recap each topic.


The council at Jerusalem came as a result of the commotion stirred up in Antioch when a team of men from Judea arrived requiring Gentile converts to be circumcised and live under the Law of Moses.  Grown Africans, Arabs, Romans, and Asians were not quick to have their penis’ cut, just because two guys from Judea said they had to.  Furthermore, they were not yet familiar with the Law of Moses, and they felt just fine as newly Born-Again converts, learning to be led of the Holy Spirit.  The Gentiles in Antioch were led to Christ by Apostles Paul and Barnabas and the two Apostles never levied these requirements on the Gentile believers.


The council in Jerusalem, comprised of Apostles and Elders of the highest order in the church at the time, agreed with Paul and Barnabas and they sent a letter back to the believers in Antioch.  When the newly converted Gentiles received the letter they were relieved.  They loved God, they had accepted Jesus as Lord, they were Born-Again, they knew in their hearts that they were saved by Grace, and the last thing they wanted was to mix Grace with anything else.  2,000 years later, we might have to learn that lesson all over again, because many believers today mix Grace with the Law.


Lastly, let’s discuss the ugly breakup between Paul and Barnabas.  Paul was upset with something John Mark had done months earlier.  Barnabas, who was also part of the team John Mark left behind and who had equal right to be upset, was not upset at all and he was ready to forgive and forget.  Paul would not have it and he drew a line in the sand.  Paul wanted Barnabas to pick between him and the young John Mark.  Barnabas made his choice and he picked John Mark.  Why?  Because Barnabas was an encourager.  He had been instrumental in getting Paul started in ministry and he was ready to do the same for John Mark.  While it took some time, it seems as though Paul eventually forgave John Mark and reconnected with him in ministry (see Colossians 4:10, Philemon 1:24, and 1 Peter 5:12).  But the point is that Paul and Barnabas were ordinary guys being used of God in extraordinary ways.  Paul was not a super-spiritual guy who never made a mistake and who walked in divine love 24 hours a day, but God still used him anyway; and that is the point of Grace!


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  People want and unencumbered relationship with God.  The Africans, Arabs, Romans, and Asians who had received the Gospel message through Paul and Barnabas were happy to receive Jesus as Lord.  They were Born-Again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and learning to be led of the Holy Spirit to FIND, FOLLOW and FINISH their purpose in life before they died.  Their focus was on God and His purpose for their lives.  They did not have long-standing religious traditions and they were quick to reject traditional religious activity when it was forced on them.  A rite, ritual or routine has no power unless the Holy Spirit is leading you to do it.  The new Gentile converts did not want JESUS-AND, they wanted JESUS-ONLY.  All they wanted to do was please God and they could not see how God was leading them to participate in the rituals the Jews had held onto for centuries.  The same can be said today.  If we preach salvation in Jesus by Grace, the message is freely received, people come to Jesus, and they are Born-Again.  But if we preach a bunch of rules, rites, rituals and routines — just because that is what we are accustomed to doing — we will find ourselves by ourselves, because unbelievers want God and His power, and there is no power in repetitive routines.


2.  God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways.  There was nothing special about the people God used in scripture.  Paul had a lot of passion, he was probably obsessive-compulsive, and he was not quick to forgive or forget.  Barnabas was more level-headed and even-keeled, he genuinely cared about people, and he was already ready to help someone out.  This does not sound like two people who changed an entire region, but that is exactly what they did, because their power came from God and not man.  Paul wasn’t perfect, but God used him in supernatural ways.  Why?  Because God uses people by Grace.  The same way God used Paul, an imperfect and flawed man, God can you use, if you let Him.  Will you give yourself over to God, to be used of Him for His glory?  If you do, you will see God do the seemingly impossible through you.  Not because you are so good, but because He is.  That, my friend, is GRACE!


3.  God can work through the unexpected.  What do you do when your plan changes?  Do you give up?  Do you throw in the towel?  No!  You keep pressing.  The change might be unexpected to you, but it is not unexpected to God.  God knew the end from the beginning and He planned accordingly.  When the trip Paul and Barnabas were supposed to be on got scrapped because of Paul’s emotions, and one trip turned into two (one with Paul and Silas and the other with Barnabas and John Mark), God was still God and He blessed both trips.  So don’t think that because your plan fell apart everything is lost.  No!  God is still God, He can still bless, and it is not the end of the world.  Keep going, keep pressing, and keep relying on God’s grace to manifest His best in your life.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your loving kindness and tender mercy towards me.  You pursued me when, in my own estimation, I was not worth pursuing.  You loved me when I had no love for You whatsoever.  You offered Your Son to me, with open arms, even when I rejected Your message of Grace.  Thank You for not giving up on me.  Thank You for focusing more on who You birthed me to be, than on what I was doing.  After some time I finally received the message of Your Grace and I accepted Your Son Jesus as my Lord.  I am now Born-Again, in You, and You are in me.  You filled me with Your Spirit and I am now led from within.  I have an unencumbered relationship with You and I will not allow anyone to encumber it with external rules, rites, rituals or dead routines.  I want You and Your power and I know Your power is not released through religious repetitive routines.  I walk with You, You walk with me, and the walk is exciting.  You speak to me and lead me in the way that I should go.  You are always sharing new things with me so I can maximize the purpose and potential You put down inside of me.  You made me, You know me inside and out, and You love me for me.  I know I am far from perfect, but You choose to use me anyway.  I don’t attempt to be anyone You have not made me to be.  I am free to be me.  You put Your Super on my natural and I am able to see the Supernatural manifested in my life.  Things are not always going to work out the way I planned.  I will make mistakes.  Plans will change.  But no matter what happens, my trust is in You and I know You can work through the unexpected and still manifest Your best in my life.  It may be unexpected for me, but it is not unexpected for You!  You knew the change was coming, You planned for it, and without me knowing it, You actually prepared me for it.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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