The Look and the License

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Let’s pick up the story of Joseph where we left off yesterday:


Then Pharaoh gave his special ring to Joseph. The royal seal was on this ring. Pharaoh also gave Joseph a fine linen robe and put a gold chain around his neck.  Then he told Joseph to ride in his second chariot. Pharaoh’s officials said, “Let him be the governor over the whole land of Egypt!” (Gen 41:42,43 ERV).


So what does this mean to you today?  For us to find out what it means today, let’s see what is meant back then:


1.  What it meant for Joseph.  The clothes and the chain helped Joseph look the part.  Joseph knew the importance of looking externally what you feel like internally; which is why he shaved and changed clothes before seeing the king.  He knew that a poor external appearance often stifles your ability to influence others because they immediately turn you off and tune you out.

a)  It is important for your video to match your audio.

b)  If you look like a pauper, you might have a royal message, but no one will ever take the time to hear it.

c)  Appearance would no longer be an issue for Joseph.  He had access to the finest tailors in the land.  His ability to look the part also helped solidify the reality of the position.  If he had any doubts, they were all quenched when he put on that royal robe.

d)  The ability to use the king’s official signet ring sealed the deal for Joseph.  This was the official signet used to sign documents and to sanction business transactions.  Possessing this ring meant that Joseph had a legal right to operate in the authority of the king.

e)  In one fell swoop Joseph was given both the look and the license.  He was given the natural authority to do what God had supernaturally equipped him to do.  Guess what?  God will do the same for you!


2.  What it meant for the people.

a)  You don’t have to look like where you came from.  The clothes made Joseph more presentable and possibly more acceptable to the people.

b)  You don’t have to be a slave to your past.  Even if people found out about his past (being both a prisoner and a slave), it would not matter because he had the ring.  The signet ring meant that they had to submit to Joseph and his authority, whether they liked him or not.

c)  God has a way of providing accelerated promotion.  Joseph was once a slave to Potiphar, the commander of the royal Secret Service.  But after Joseph was promoted, his former master became his servant.


3.  What it means for you.

a)  God wants you to both look the part and operate in His authority.  The Bible says that God has made us a royal priesthood and a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9).  Look like the person God made you.

b)  Take pride in your appearance and know that you are spiritual royalty.  Allow your external appearance to match your internal condition.

c)  When you look the part it makes you feel better and it helps others to accept you quicker.  Don’t hinder your influence by looking like a pauper when God has made you a king.

d)  God has given you the legal right to operate in the authority of the King of Kings.  You may not possess a signet ring, but God has given you His Holy Spirit and the authority to operate in the name of Jesus.

e)  God has given you both power and authority.  The Holy Spirit gives you the power, the name of Jesus give you the authority.  I liken this to the badge and the gun issued to a police officer.  The badge gives him the authority and the gun gives him the power.  God has given you both the power and the authority to operate as His representative in the earth.

f)  God wants you to accept your royalty — look like it, walk like it, talk like it, and live like it.

e)  Jesus gave you His righteousness and clothed Himself in your sin, so that you could give Him your sin and clothe yourself in His righteousness.  If you think the king’s robe did something for Joseph, see what clothing yourself in the righteousness of Jesus can do for you!


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  I know You have already given me all things that pertain to life and godliness.  You have given me all things richly to enjoy.  You have given me everything I need to succeed in life; to maximize my purpose and potential.  You have given me power over satan, serpents and over every deadly thing.  You have given me authority to operate in the name of Your Son Jesus, my Lord.  You have given me all You have given me by Your unearned and amazing grace.  I now access all You have given me, all that is freely made available to me by grace, with my faith.  By faith I accept, access and experience Your grace.  By faith I accept my royalty.  By faith I embrace Your authority.  By faith I operate in Your power and I attempt the impossible.  By faith I walk with my head held high.  I am a child of the Most High God.  I am divine royalty.  There is nothing I cannot do.  Nothing can harm me, nothing can stop me, and nothing will stifle me.  I am who You say I am, I can do what You say I can do, I will accomplish what I was born to do, and I will do it by Your grace.  You have given me both the LOOK an the LICENSE, so I am ready to make the impact in this world I was born to make, and I declare that I will.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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