You Are Heaven’s Ambassador

by Rick

Today I go back to our series entitled “Refined Focus”.  All year long we have been learning to re-calibrate and keep our focus.  Now that he U.S. election is over, this message is paramount for many believers.  Donald Trump was elected.  Some are elated and excited.  Others are disappointed and dismayed.  God is not moved.  With that in mind I am led to share the two following passages with you.  Read them carefully and prayerfully, and I will them discuss them.  


In the actual “Lord’s prayer”, found in John 17, Jesus prayed the following for us.  He said, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.”  (John 17:15:16).


In Paul’s second letter to the believers in Corinth, as he was teaching them to live new lives in Christ, he said the following.  Paul said, “When anyone is in Christ, it is a whole new world… Through Christ, God made peace between himself and us.  And God gave us the work of bringing people into peace with him.  So we are his ambassadors, sent to speak for Christ.  It is like God is calling to people through us.”  (see 2 Cor 5:16-20).


You are in this world, but if you are Born-Again, you are not OF it.  Jesus made that clear.  You are a citizen of heaven, living in this world as an Ambassador from above.  You are “down here” to represent “up there”.  You are sent from God daily to represent His Kingdom agenda on this planet.  Let me put it to you this way:


Let’s say you were assigned as the Ambassador of the United States to Nicaragua (this is hypothetical, so don’t take offense if you are from Nicaragua).  When you arrive you are informed that there is some sort of virus breakout is affecting the local food sources.  Food is scarce.  But you are told not to concern yourself with it, because your food is USDA approved and it is shipped in from the United States.  Your food supply is safe and abundant.  You then get a briefing on the local economy.  You are told that Nicaragua is in the middle of the worst recession in 50 years.  While you have compassion for the people, the local recession does not affect you at all.  Your pay comes from the United States.  Finally, you are told that foreigners are being kidnapped for ransom, but you are not to worry, because you have a personal security detail and the United States Marines protect the Embassy and your home.


If you can understand that, then you will be able to understand why I am so disappointed in the believers who are dismayed and afraid because Donald Trump was elected president.  Whether you voted for him or not, your trust should not be in Mr. Trump.  You are an Ambassador from heaven, assigned to the United States.  No matter what is going on down here, it does not impact you.  If you are a tither and your finances are in covenant with God, then your personal economy is not based on this nation or the president.  When you go outside, you don’t need to be concerned for your personal safety.  You have been assigned angels to protect you.  And when you come in contact with people, you should not simply echo the foolishness you hear on the news.  If you are an Ambassador, you don’t get to say what you want.  You get “talking points” from your host nation and you are supposed to represent their agenda.  Likewise, when you pray before you leave the house, the Father will give you “talking points” for the day.  He will tell you what to say in the morning and He give you fresh words throughout the day, as you encounter people who need to hear from heaven.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Once you are Born-Again you have citizenship in heaven.  God then assigns you as the Ambassador of heaven to this world.  He expects you to live as such.


2.  As an Ambassador of heaven assigned to this world, your personal finances are not contingent upon any local government or local economy.  God is able to make all grace abound towards you, to the point where you will always have all sufficiency, in all things, at all times, for every situation.  You will be able to meet the needs of every financial situation and have more than enough, so you can also fund every good work (see 2 Cor 9:8).


3.  As an Ambassador of heaven assigned to this world, your personal protection is not contingent upon this world.  God can (and He has given you the authority to do it as well) give angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.  Negative things can happen all around you, but it will not impact you (see Psalm 91).


4.  As an Ambassador of heaven assigned to this world, you are not supposed to say whatever you want to say.  You are here to represent heaven’s agenda.  This is exactly how Jesus lived and it is how we are supposed to live.  Jesus said, “I came down from heaven to do what God wants, not what I want” (John 6:38).  He said, “I only say what I hear my Father say.  I only do what I see my Father do.  The Son can do NOTHING without the Father.” (see John 5:19,30).  He said, “I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it” (John 12:49).

a)  If Jesus could not say whatever He wanted, how in the world do you think you can?

b)  You are called to be just like Jesus in this world (1 Jn 4:17).  This means you don’t get to selfishly represent your own agenda.  You are to selflessly represent God’s agenda on this planet.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for helping me to recalibrate my focus.  I am born from above.  I am a citizen of heaven.  I am Your Ambassador to this world.  I represent You daily.  You did not assign me to reconcile Republicans to the Democratic Party.  You did not assign me to reconcile Democrats to the Republican Party.  You assigned me to reconcile the world to You, through Christ Jesus, Your Son.  My life is not my own.  My words are not my own.  My agenda is not my own.  I live for You.  You give me the words to say and You tell me how to say them.  And as I do, I have no need to worry about me or my family.  As Your Ambassador, You see to it that all my needs are met.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

Stanley Michael Suyeyoshi November 14, 2016 - 6:10 pm

I receive it! Thank you for the reminder that we are Ambassadors to this world. Godbless you sir!


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