A Net-Breaking Boat-Sinking Load of Fish

by Rick

Read Luke 5:1-11


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus.”  Today we go back to an early point in Jesus’ ministry.  One day, before Jesus had formed His team, He was standing by the Sea of Galilee and a crowd gathered around Him to hear the Word of God.  Jesus looked at the size of the crowd and realized that he wanted a better place from which to address the them.  As He looked around He noticed two boats tied up, while the owners of the boats, fishermen, were scrubbing their nets.  Jesus asked one of the fisherman, Simon (who would later be known as Peter), if He could help him with his boat.  Simon agreed.  This decision would change Simon’s life forever.


Simon maneuvered the boat, with Jesus in it, to a spot where Jesus had the distance He wanted from which to address the crowd.  Jesus then used Simon’s boat as a floating pulpit as He preached the Word of God.  When Jesus was done with His message, it was time for Him to provide an object lesson on the the principle of sowing and reaping.  Simon the fisherman had given up his time, talent and treasure for Jesus’ ministry.  He had given up his time, after fishing all night long, to help Jesus preach the Gospel.  He and up his talent, rowing the boat into position and keeping it as steady as possible while Jesus performed ministry.  He had given up his treasure, by taking assets from his fishing business and using them to support Jesus’ assignment.  Jesus, as the Lord of the Harvest, was not going to allow Simon the fisherman to sow all this seed with no harvest.


Jesus told Simon to launch out into the deep water and let down his nets for a catch.  This is where Simon almost missed his blessing.  He told Jesus that he had toiled all night long and had nothing to show for his efforts.  His work that evening and into the morning was fruitless.  Furthermore, he was a professional fisherman.  Simon knew when to fish in the Sea of Galilee and he knew that the best time had past.  His head was telling him that Jesus knew nothing about fishing, but thankfully his heart was telling him to listen.  Simon made the right choice and followed his heart.  He told Jesus that he would do it, based solely on His word.  But I don’t think Simon really expected to receive anything.  Jesus told him to let down his “nets”.  Simon only let down one net.  As soon as he did, it was like the fish were jumping into the net.  There were so many fish that the net began to break and the boat began to sin.  This was a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish!  SImon had to call for his partners to help bring in the load. This caused Simon to fall down on his knees and worship Jesus.  From that point on Jesus would make Simon and a couple of his friends fishers of men.  


So what does this mean to you today?  There is so much to this story.  It will take my time and cover it for days.  Here are a few golden nuggets this morning.


1.  Nothing happens by chance.

a)  What you may think was an accident or coincidence oftentimes winds up being God’s providence.

b)  The text tells us that Jesus saw two boats and and two fisherman cleaning their nets.  Jesus ‘just so happened’ to get into the boat that belonged to Simon (Peter).  That was not an accident, but rather a divine appointment.  God had big plans for Peter and it all started with a choice between two boats.

c)  An event can happen today that will help shape your tomorrow.  Keep your heart open to discern what God is doing.  He sets up divine appointments for you all the time.

d)  When God sets you up with a divine appointment and He sets things in motion in your life that usher you into His best, don’t disrespect God’s planning by attributing the event to “luck”.  There’s no such thing as luck.


2.  Don’t let your intellect keep you from your blessing.

a)  As believers, attempting to live the life of faith, we sometimes think too much.  We think so much that we think our way out of what God is attempting to do in our lives.

b)  Simon Peter knew a lot about fishing and his knowledge almost caused him to miss his blessing.  He was the fisherman and Jesus was the preacher.  So when Jesus (the preacher) tried to tell Simon (the fisherman) what to do with his fishing business, the fisherman almost dismissed the preacher.  Guess what?  People dismiss God’s ideas every day because they think they know better.

c)  I am a very rational person and I believe I possess a great deal of common sense, but I also know that when it comes to the things of God, I must be led by the Spirit and not by my senses.  God is a Spirit.  Therefore, He is Spiritual, not sensual.  This means He will tell you to do things that make no sense.  But if you listen and obey, you will walk in His best.  If you “think” your way out of it, you will be thinking your way out of your blessing.

d)  Adam never went to school.  He received everything from God Spirit-to-spirit.  When Adam fell he fell from discerning to learning.  Jesus came to get us back to where Adam was before the fall.  Jesus did not make decisions based on what He learned in this world.  Jesus made decisions based on what He discerned from the Father.  Simon almost missed out on his blessing because he almost allowed what he had learned, from years of fishing, to override what Jesus was discerning in the Spirit.  


I will talk more about this last point tomorrow.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  I sow my time, talent and treasure into Your Kingdom, plans and purposes in this world.  As I do, You, as the Lord of the Harvest, see to it that I reap a harvest on every seed sown.  You set up divine appointments for me, I discern what You are doing, and I am led of Your Spirit concerning what to do during the appointments.  You give me creative concepts, ideas and ways, You do this by Your Spirit, and I am able to discern what You are leading me to do.  I never allow my learning to override my discerning.  LIving this way I get to experience Your best for my life.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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