SO Love

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “God Loves You”, under the overall theme for the year of, “Supernatural Manifestation.”  Yesterday we started looking at the most common verse in the entire Bible, John 3:16.  The Apostle John said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).  In yesterday’s message we keyed in on the fact that God is the initiator.  He did not send Jesus to die for us because of anything we did for Him.  He initiated the relationship and He sent Jesus because He loved us.  Today I will focus in on the words, “So loved”, and discuss how and how much God loves us.


I have four children and I am the type of parent who gets loud at games, meets, events, etc.  If one of my children is on the field playing a sport, I am ‘the loud parent’ on the sideline or in the stands.  Last week our 10 year old, Joshua, received an award for Middle School soccer.  My wife was out of town, getting ready to perform a wedding and I had to attend a church conference early the next morning.  Most of our friends were either getting ready for the wedding or the conference.  So while other children had multiple family and friends at the event to cheer them on, Joshua only had me.  But that’s not a problem.  I had my phone ready to take pictures and when they called his name, I jumped up, took a bunch of pictures, and yelled LOUDLY in support of my son.  Everyone in the auditorium heard me.  Why do I do this?  Because I SO love my children.


I am the first of my family to be born in the United States.  My mother immigrated to this country in 1970.  She and my father divorced when I was 3 years old.  She raised me and my sister as a single parent in New York City.  She had to take public assistance.  We did not have much, money-wise.  But whenever my mother bought me new clothes or new sneakers, she would put them on my bed before I got home from school.  She would not say anything to me.  She would then wait until I got home and follow me into my room to see the reaction on my face when I received my gifts.  When I lit up, she lit up.  She did not do it because of anything I did.  She did it because she SO loved me.


If you are a parent, you know how much you love your children.  I am sure you can say you love them SO.  You SO love them.  You will go out of your way for them.  You will sacrifice to see them succeed.  This is what God did.  He looked down on us, knowing that we needed saving, and He SO loved us that He sent His only Son to die in our place.  He did not do it because of anything we did.  As a matter of fact, He had to look past our works in order to do it.  He did it because He SO loved us!


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  God does not just love you.  He loves you SO much that He sent His Son to die for you.  If you ever get to the point where you fully embrace the love of God in your heart, and you realize that you are SO loved by Him, you will then be in position to truly release your faith.  You will believe God for great things, even when you don’t feel like you qualify for the things He is calling you to do, because at that point you will know that God wants to do it simply because He SO loves you!


  1.  You are God’s beloved.  The word beloved means: BE-LOVED.  It is the state of being loved.  God calls you His beloved, because He wants you to enter every day BEING LOVED by Him!  If you do, if you believe and receive the love of God, the supernatural will begin to manifest in your life.  Because at that point the emphasis will not be on you.  It will be on God and His unending love for you.  Faith works by love!


  1.  Like the parent running down the sideline yelling his child’s name when he scores a goal on the field, God SO loves you that He celebrates your success.


  1.  God empowers you to succeed and He then celebrates your success, like a proud parent.  He does this because He SO loves you.


  1.  The devil has distorted the world’s image and concept of God.  Many see God as a monster who is out to get them.  But that cannot be further from the truth.  God SO loves you that He made plans for you before the world began.  He SO loves you that He sent His Son to die in your place.  He SO loves you that He sent His Spirit to live inside of you and reveal His plans for you.  He SO loves you that He equips you to do what He expects you to do.  He SO loves you that He will perform the impossible through you, not because you are so good, but because He is.  God SO loves you!  Please get this down in your heart.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  Not because I am so good, but because You are.  You are SO good and You SO love me.  I cry out, Abba, Father.  You don’t just LORD over me, You LOVE over me!  You love me in spite of my faults.  You love me in spite of my failures.  You love me in spite of my flaws.  YOU SO LOVE ME that You saved me, even when I was not worth saving.  And You now keep me and bless me, even when I make mistakes.  YOU SO LOVE ME and it is the reality of this love that is changing me forever.  I am ready to become and remain the person You called me to be.  Not because I love You, but because I am SO LOVED BY YOU!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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