Hidden Treasure

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 46.  We have been looking at Psalm 119.  Let’s continue to walk through this amazing psalm.  We are reading from The Passion Bible Translation.


David said:

(v.160) The sum total of all your words adds up to absolute truth, and every one of your righteous decrees is everlasting.

(v.162)  Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy; the revelation of your word thrills me like one who has discovered hidden treasure.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  The verses we are looking at today (Psalm 119:160 & 162) are the type of verses I was thinking about When I started this series.  I wanted to rekindle the fire/desire for scripture I had when I first got saved. This it the type of fire David kept for the Word of God.  David told us that the sum total of all God’s words add up to absolute truth. Everything God says is true. Every word God speaks is righteous.  Every decree God makes is everlasting. When you take the time to internalize the enormity of God and how all that He is backs up what He says, you will open up the Bible with great expectation.  One Word from God can change your life forever.  If you believe that, then you will not allow a day to go by without seeking to hear from Him!


  1.  David told us that God’s promises were the source of his bubbling joy.  I explained yesterday that life can get hard at times. We all face challenges.  If you are going to be used of God in a significant way, the challenges are going to be even greater.  Why? Because the attack is against the assignment. So along the way you will need to be encouraged, restored and revived.  David pointed us back to God’s promises as the source of eternal joy. If you ever need a “pick me up,” all you need to do is take a few minutes to think about all the promises God has made you.  Even when things are tough, knowing that what is ahead of you is greater than what is before you, will keep you going!


  1.  David told us that the revelation of God’s Word thrilled him like a person who discovered hidden treasure.  This is the type of excitement and expectation we should have when we open the Word of God. Like a miner searching for gold, we must mine the Word of God for the hidden nuggets that lay in wait.  Just like there are treasures you cannot find on the surface of the earth, there are truths you cannot discover on the surface of God’s Word. You must mine the Word for the hidden treasure. You must spend time meditating and medicating on what God said.  You must spend time with the Holy Spirit, the author of the book, asking Him to reveal to you what He meant. And if you do, you will find the hidden treasure that is hiding in plain sight. You will see something in a passage that you have read countless times, but it’s like you are reading it IN THIS PARTICULAR WAY for the first time.  God can open your eyes to see what you never saw before and this is powerful, because a SINGLE encounter with God can change the trajectory of your life. Never underestimate what God can tell you through His Word. Never undervalue the impact ONE WORD from God can have. Open your Bible, read it with an open heart, mine it for the hidden treasure, and expect to hear from God as you do.  


  1.  When you read the Word of God, and you have a relationship with the God of the Word, the result can be supernatural.  One Word from God can change your life forever.


  1.  Read God’s Word with an expectation to hear from heaven.  While you are performing a mere human act (reading with your natural eyes), you can experience a supernatural encounter with God.  When you hear from heaven you are equipped and empowered to be employed and deployed on this planet.  This is how you experience heaven-on-earth, and this is the will of God!


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  The sum of Your Words add up to absolute truth. Everything You say is righteous.  Every decree You make is everlasting. The enormity of WHO YOU ARE backs up EVERYTHING YOU SAY.  Your promises to me are the source of my bubbling joy! I open Your Word like a miner mining for hidden treasure, and You open my eyes to see.   You bless me to see what has been hiding in plain sight. The revelation of Your Word enables me and empowers me to be employed ON and deployed INTO this world!  I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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