You Are The Ambassador of God’s Kingdom to this World

by Rick

Today we continue our new series entitled, “Heaven on Earth,” by teaching about God’s Kingdom.  

In Matthew 10 Jesus called His twelve disciples to him and gave them the power and authority to do what He was doing in this world.  He was already representing heaven on the earth. But He wanted them to do it.  He told them that they were going to cast our demons and heal all kinds of diseases.  As Jesus sent them out, He even told them what to say. Notice the message that Jesus instructed them to preach.  Jesu said, “Proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived.”  This is key.  Jesus wanted them to preach what He was preaching.  And what was He preaching? He was telling everyone everywhere that the Kingdom of Heaven had arrived.  That is was time for people to see God’s Kingdom manifested on this planet. Not only did Jesus preach this, but He instructed His followers to preach it as well.

After telling His disciples to boldly declare that God’s Kingdom had arrived on this planet, Jesus wanted them to demonstrate it.  It has never been God’s intent for us to preach without any power or demonstration following.  So Jesus went on to say, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure the lepers, drive out devils—give freely, as you have received freely.”  The power to live AS JESUS IS, in this world, is given to us freely.  Freely we RECEIVE and freely we are supposed to RELEASE. This is how people get to see heaven in the earth.  This is how God’s Kingdom is manifested on this planet.  But it will not happen with us.  Without God we cannot. But without us He will not.  God has chosen to put His Kingdom IN US first, and then manifest it THOUGH US.

When you fully open your heart to this truth you are able to embrace your divine assignment as Ambassador of God’s Kingdom assigned to this world.  This is what I will talk about today.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  The Lord has called you to operate as an Ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth (2 Cor 5:20).

2.  Ambassadors don’t carry their own agenda.  Jesus told His disciples what to say and what to do.  He did it then and He is still doing it today. In John 14:10 Jesus explained that the Father lived IN Him.  It was the Father who was giving Jesus the words and it was the Father performing the work. We are supposed to live the same way.  As ambassadors, we don’t get to promote our own agenda. We are here to communicate the the agenda we receive from our homeland. Heaven is our homeland.  We are supposed to receive instructions from heaven and then re-present the one who sent us by presenting His agenda, His views, His values, and His culture, within our sphere of influence.  

3.  Ambassadors don’t have to worry about resources.  In Matthew 10 Jesus told His disciples not to take any money with them, because they were not on their own assignment.  They are not performing their own will, so they didn’t have to pick up the bill. That’s why Jesus told His disciples that:

a)  They would be freely given power and authority.  As they freely received, they were to freely give.

b)  They could not take gold, silver or even any copper coins, because the Lord Himself would see to it that they were taken care of financially.

c)  When the time came to speak, they would be given the words to say, because the Father Himself would speak through them.  

d)  This is the way we are supposed to live in the earth today.

4.  If you enter every day cognizant of your ‘Kingdom of Heaven Ambassador’ status, it will change you from the inside-out.  You will walk a little taller, shake hands a little firmer, and see challenges much differently, because you know you don’t have to face challenges alone.  You are in this world RE-presenting the one who sent you. God has obligated Himself to see to it that you are successful, because you are promoting His agenda and not your own.

5.  Ambassadors are given everything they need to properly represent their nation abroad.  You are God’s Ambassador. As you head into this day remember that God Himself will see to it that you have everything you need to represent Him well.  

Declaration of Faith:  

Father, I thank You for assigning me as the Kingdom Ambassador of Heaven to the Earth.  By faith I access Your grace to represent You and Your Kingdom well in this world. I don’t pursue my own agenda.  I am here to RE-present You. Freely You give me, so freely I give. You give me the words and You perform the work through me.  I receive my orders from headquarters (from heaven), and I simply seek to live-out what I receive. I am not worried about a thing, because I am representing You.  You will see to it that I have all I need, and even more than enough, so I can BE a blessing to others. I am Your child, I am empowered to represent Your Kingdom agenda daily, and I declare that I do.  The Kingdom of Heaven advances in this world, through me, by Your grace and for Your glory! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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