The Kingdom Is Now!

by Rick

Today we continue our new series entitled, “Heaven on Earth,” by teaching about God’s Kingdom.  Jesus remained in relative obscurity until the age of 33.  He was then baptized by his cousin, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him, He led was of the Spirit to be tested in the wilderness, and once He passed the tests He was ready to start His earthly ministry.  Jesus started His ministry by boldly proclaiming the message of God’s Kingdom. He did not go around talking about a church. He went around preaching a Kingdom. He said, “The Kingdom of God is at hand!”  What was He saying?  He was basically saying that heaven is part of God’s Kingdom.  Heaven is a real place and God’s Kingdom is a real Kingdom. In heaven you can’t point to a place where God’s Kingdom is, because there is NO place where it is NOT.  The entire realm is a representation of God’s best.  But God’s original intent was for heaven to be extended to the earth.  Whenever you see heaven-on-earth, you are seeing God’s Kingdom manifested on this planet.  That’s what Jesus went around preaching.  He was saying, “It is time for God’s Kingdom to manifest in this world!”  

The Father sent Jesus to the earth to preach and demonstrate His Kingdom.  He now sends US into the world to do the same thing. However, in order for us to do so, we must see ourselves AS JESUS IS.  This is the only way we will manifest heaven-on-earth.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  Most people of Jesus’ day missed His message.  When Jesus announced, “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, most Israelites were looking for an earthly king who would overthrow the Romans.  Jesus’ Kingdom was a Kingdom from another world. Jesus’ Kingdom is not earthly. It is heavenly.  It is a heavenly Kingdom designed to invade this world in a way that earthly kingdoms never could. This Kingdom is does not advance by physical violence.  This Kingdom advances by changing people from the inside-out.  The Kingdom of God is not a place we can point to.  The Kingdom of God is within you! (Luke 17:21).

2.  The message of the Kingdom Jesus preached is a message of the dominion and authority of heaven, and how it can be manifested HERE, in the earth.  This is what Jesus asked us to pray for. This is why He told us to pray for God’s Kingdom to come, and for God’s will to be done, ON EARTH. How?  AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! (Mat 6:10).

3.  God’s intent for His Kingdom is for it to advance.  Jesus said, “Since the time John the Baptist came until now, God’s kingdom has been advancing strongly.  And people have been trying to take control of it by force.” (Mat 11:12).  John the Baptist preached “The Kingdom” and he told everyone that it was near.  When Jesus came, He announced that it had arrived.  Now that God’s Kingdom has been established on this planet, His desire is for it to advance.  For the Kingdom to advance it must advance through us.  We are supposed to affect (with effects and influence), the people of this world and the systems of this world!  This is what God sends us into the world to do.  But change won’t happen THROUGH you until change happens IN you.  This is what this series is about. You will never experience heaven on earth, until you embrace the reality of Jesus’ message in your heart.  I am going to teach you message after message, using scripture after scripture, until you get this down in your heart. Your focus should not be leaving this world and going to heaven.  If you are Born-Again, you will go to heaven when you die. That should not longer be an issue for you. Your focus is supposed to be on bringing heaven to this world every day.  Once you start living with this focus, God can use you to advance His Kingdom on this planet, through your sphere of influence.

4.  The church is not The Kingdom.  Many believers are so church-focused that they are not Kingdom-focused.  Jesus did not go around preaching about a church. He preached about God’s Kingdom.  Building a big church is not the goal. Influencing this world and advancing God’s Kingdom is the goal.  The church is where you go to learn about the Kingdom. You come to church to learn, you leave the church to influence both the people and the systems of this world.  God will send you into a system (education, global finance, the military, the restaurant industry, media, arts/entertainment, etc.) anointed to influence first the people within the system.  And then, over time, God can raise you up to influence the entire system with His views, values and culture. This is the goal. So don’t get so caught up in church that you fail to miss your divine assignment.  You may not be called to Pastor, but you have a calling nonetheless.  And your calling is no less important.  Accept your calling. Embrace God’s grace.  Advance God’s Kingdom!

Declaration of Faith:  

Father,  I thank You for helping me to see the reality of Your Kingdom.  Your Kingdom is within me. Your Kingdom advances, expands and increases IN ME FIRST.  Once I am convinced of Your Kingdom reality, then what has come TO ME can freely flow THROUGH ME!  Your Kingdom has come. Your will shall be done. On earth, as it is in heaven. This will happen THROUGH ME, because I am Kingdom minded and Heaven-On-Earth focused.  The world will see Jesus and experience Your Kingdom through me today, this week and every week. I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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