I serve in the military as an IT professional. My focus is to leverage technology to empower the warfighter. For years I have strived to do the same think for the Kingdom …
This is powerful! Amena is on FIRE for God!
I shared a previous video about this, but it is worth sharing another. We have gotten away from preaching, hearing, understanding, and sharing the Gospel message. I pray we never stop! We …
There are three people every believer needs in their lives: a Paul, a Timothy, and a Barnabas. In this VBLOG Rick discusses the first. The People We Need: #1 (Paul) from Rick …
I hope you enjoyed Part 1. Here is Part 2.
I know many believers don’t even think about demons or satan, but that is a serious mistake. Pastor Mark does a great job in this series. This is part 1. I hope …
Your lifespan is too short of a time, and our God is too big of a God, for Him to be JUST concerned with you. When you sees you He sees your …
I love this song. It really ministers to me. I know that I am still here by the grace of God. I had a .357 magnum placed at my head when I …
Valentine’s Day Message from Ricardo Pina on Vimeo.
Very first videoblog from Ricardo Pina on Vimeo.