This week is the last week of “Today’s Word” for 2015. After Friday’s message we will pause until January 4, 2016. So the messages this week are centered on finishing out the …
You Can “Do All Things” When You Are Walking In Your Purpose
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”. Before I get into this message I want to share with …
* You can now watch a video of this message at: (Read John 19:1-7) We are just over a week away from Resurrection Sunday. This morning we continue our …
GREAT NEWS! The Rick Pina Ministries App is NOW available for Apple (iPhone/iPod and iPad) and Android. Here is the link to download it:
(Read 1 Samuel 27:5-12) This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.” Yesterday I told you that David got tired of life on the run and he made the …
What God’s love is #19: Love Endures Everything (Without Weakening) from Rick Pina on Vimeo. (1Co 13:7 AMP) Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to …
What God’s love is #18: Love’s Hopes are Fadeless under All Circumstances
by Rickby RickWhat God’s love is #18: Love’s Hopes are Fadeless under All Circumstances from Rick Pina on Vimeo.
Living by Faith – Grounded in Grace from Rick Pina on Vimeo.
The Prodigal Son (updated story) from Rick Pina on Vimeo.
Grace that is Given – Part 2 from Rick Pina on Vimeo.