Trouble Your Trouble

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 44.  We have been looking at Psalm 119.  Let’s continue to walk through this amazing psalm.  We are reading from The Passion Bible Translation.


David said:

(v.152) I’ve known all along how true and unchanging is every word you speak, established forever!

(v.153) Look upon all my misery and come be my hero to rescue me, for I will never forget what you’ve revealed to me.

(v.154) Take my side and defend me in these sufferings; redeem me and revive me, just like you promised you would.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  David faced all sorts of challenges in his life, both before he took the throne as he was a fugitive and afterwards he was a sitting-king, but he found peace in God’s words to him.  He knew God’s words were established forever, so he knew it was only a matter of time before God did what He said He would do. This is the type of relationship we should have with God through His Word.  Whatever God spoke to you is as much the Word of God as anything written in the Bible. You can stand on it, believe it, establish your hope in it, and wake up every morning with an expectation of it. Because God will never promise something He will not do.  If He said it, He will perform it. If He promised it, He will make it good.


  1.  Psalm 119 is comprised of 176 verses that all point back to God and His Word.  David found peace, strength and stability in reminding himself of what God said.  We should do the same and we should do it daily. When you meditate and medicate God’s Word it empowers you on the inside and you are able to handle anything that is coming at you from the outside.


  1.  David acknowledged his challenges.  He talked about the misery he faced and the sufferings he endured.  He was open about it. But he was also open about the hope and strength he found in God’s words to him.  When times were tough, David said, “I will never forget what you’ve revealed to me!”  God’s promises kept David going.  They will do the same for you. Never forget what God has revealed to you.  Think about God’s promises all the time. They will be your source of strength!


  1.  None of us are exonerated from challenges.  We all have to endure troubling times. But in the middle of your trouble, find strength in God and ask Him to revive you on the inside.  David said, “Redeem me and revive me, just like you promised you would.”  When you experience an inner revival, your heart will experience a fresh win and a fresh fire.  And once you are changed on the inside, you are equipped to handle anything going on on the outside.  The trouble may not have left yet, but once you are changed within, the trouble will no longer trouble you.  At that point you actually start to trouble your trouble. You leave the devil confused, because he will see everything the same out the inside and he will not understand why you seem to be on FIRE despite his best attempts to put your fire out.


  1.  The life of faith is not a life without trouble.  But in this life you just don’t have to allow your trouble to trouble you.  When your faith is strong you are positioned to doubt the doubts satan throws at you and to trouble all the trouble he tries to bring your way.


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect to experience Your best in 2018 like never before.  Now, this does not mean I will not face challenges. I know I am not exonerated from trouble, pain or opposition.  But I refuse to allow satan’s trouble to trouble me. Satan tries to inject doubt in my heart and mind and I respond by doubting his doubts.  Satan tries to bring trouble my way, and I trouble his trouble. I am able to do this because I meditate and medicate Your promises Father. I will never forget what You have revealed to me.  Come what may, I find peace and strength in Your Word! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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