The Messages in the Miracles Series Conclusion Part 3 | Why The Miracles Matter

by Rick

This morning, we start to wind down our series, “The Miracles of Jesus.”  This series started on January 2nd, and we are finally wrapping it up this week.

Before we get into the wind-down, let’s take a look at this scripture.

(Psalm 126:4 TPT)

Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again.

This is a season of refreshing and restoring for us. I pray you get refreshed and restored as we study each miracle.

In the midst of our modern world, it’s easy to wonder why the miracles of Jesus, performed over two millennia ago, still matter to us today. I will discuss this in our message this morning.

The truth is the miracles of Jesus are not just historical events; they are vibrant illustrations of spiritual truths that continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of believers. They reveal the character of God and His unchanging nature – His compassion, His power, His provision, and His desire for intimacy with us.

In the ministry of Jesus, we see a Savior who steps into the midst of human suffering with love and power.  

When Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, calmed the storm, and raised the dead, He was showing us that God is not distant or indifferent to our struggles.  We have a loving, caring, and sharing heavenly Father who deeply cares about His children. As a matter of fact, this understanding (of God’s love) forms the foundation of our faith, reminding us that God cares deeply about our individual situations and is more than capable of intervening supernaturally in our lives today.

Furthermore, the miracles of Jesus have profound implications for our spiritual lives. They serve as concrete demonstrations of the spiritual authority that we, as followers of Christ, have been endowed with.  Believers are called not just to marvel at the miracles of Jesus but to walk in the same power and authority that He demonstrated. This empowers us to confront the challenges in our lives not with fear or despair, but with faith and authority, secure in the knowledge that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work within us.

The miracles of Jesus convey a vital message about the Kingdom of God. These miracles represent the Kingdom of God breaking into our physical realm, showing us glimpses of a reality where sickness, injustice, and death have no place.  This gives us hope and stirs up our faith, allowing us to envision and work toward a world that mirrors the love, justice, and peace of God’s Kingdom.

In essence, the miracles of Jesus matter to us today because they offer a tangible encounter with the living God – His character, His power, His Kingdom, and His desire for a relationship with us.  They serve as reminders that the God we serve is the same yesterday, today, and forever. These miracles continue to inspire our faith, guide our actions, and shape our understanding of God and His Kingdom.

So what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1.  Miracles demonstrate God’s compassion and care for His children.

— Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, and comforted the hurting, showing His deep compassion and personal concern for us. He was also revealing the heart of the Father for His children.

— Jesus’ miracles show us that He cares about our physical and emotional needs as well as our spiritual well-being.

— God loves us just the way we are. But He loves us too much to leave us in a state that is beneath His best.

2.  Miracles reveal God’s power and authority.

— Jesus demonstrated dominion over natural and supernatural forces, revealing the immeasurable power of God.

— This should give us the confidence to approach life’s challenges with faith, knowing that the same power that worked through Jesus is available to us today.

— There is nothing God can’t do. We must simply believe that He can and will do it in our lives!

3.  Miracles confirm the reality of the Kingdom of God.

— Jesus was preaching, “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” He was telling everyone that He was from a Kingdom that is not of this world. The miracles validated what He was saying.

— Jesus’ miracles showed glimpses of God’s Kingdom breaking into our physical reality and superseding the laws and limits of this world.

— This helps us believe in God’s Kingdom to the point where we can pray for a manifestation of His Kingdom reality in our lives, our families, our communities, and the world! It all starts with believing that there is a Kingdom that is out of this world and can impact this world in extraordinary ways.

4.  Miracles affirm the promise of eternal life.

— Many people are afraid of dying. For some, dying is the big unknown. They want to know what is going to happen after you die. Jesus made it clear that heaven is our home, and not only that, but He raised people from the dead.

— Jesus raising people from the dead foreshadows His own resurrection and the promise of eternal life for believers.

— This offers us hope and comfort, especially in the face of death and loss, knowing that there is life beyond the grave.

— Jesus took the sting out of death and robbed the grace of its victory!

5.  Miracles encourage personal transformation.

— When you see a manifestation of God’s power, it does something for you on the inside. It further solidifies the fact that there is a God, and many people, after seeing God’s power, have a strong desire to change!

— When Jesus provided Peter with a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish, he immediately fell down on his knees and worshipped Jesus. He wanted to change simply because he knew there was a God after the demonstration of God’s power.

— When Jesus saw Zacchaeus up in a tree and called Him by name, and then spent time with him, Zacchaeus could do nothing but repent. Why? Because the love and power of God lead us to repentance and a deep desire to want to grow in Him!

6.  Miracles show us the power of faith.

— We are called and commanded to walk and live by faith. Jesus is our ultimate example. When we study what He did, especially the faith He operated in during the miracles, we get an image of how we are supposed to live today.

— God expects us to believe Him for the impossible!

— God is not bothered when we pray in faith. He actually welcomes it. He wants us to invoke His involvement in our lives and communities. Our faith ignites divine intervention.

7.  Miracles foster a sense of wonder and gratitude, creating a desire to pray.

— When you see the supernatural manifested before your eyes, you leave that moment with a sense of awe and wonder.

— Jesus’ miracles often left spectators in awe and thanksgiving, increasing their reverence for God.

— Miracles help us embrace a spirit of gratitude and wonder in our daily lives. We live our lives with a heart that is OPEN to whatever God wants to do, however, He wants to do it!

— Miracles remind us of the limitless possibilities when we trust in God, fostering an outlook of hope, positivity, and expectation!

— When we live with this type of expectation, it fuels our prayer life. Since we believe in a God who can do anything, we pray more regularly and more effectively. Why? Becuase you will never fervently pray to God if you don’t believe He can do something about your situation. But when you believe, you pray, and you pray in faith, without wavering, without a doubt!  

— Miracles reassure us that God hears our prayers and is capable of responding in miraculous ways.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, this is a season of refreshing and restoring for me!

I declare that I am deeply loved and cared for by my God. Father, Your compassion for me is evident in the miracles of Jesus. I am never beyond Your reach.

The same power and authority that worked through Jesus is within me. I face life’s challenges without fear, in faith, without a doubt, and without wavering. I trust in Your mighty power!

I live with a spirit of gratitude and wonder. I recognize the miraculous in my daily life and remain thankful for Your limitless blessings.

I believe in the power of prayer and continually invoke Your involvement in my life, Father, knowing that You can respond in miraculous ways.

There is nothing You can’t do, and You live in me. Therefore, I enter this day knowing that GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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