Every Day Matters: Walking Out God’s Purpose Daily

by Rick

Note: I sent out our ministry’s annual report to all our donors last night.  If you are not a partner, you did not receive it, but I still want you to know what God blessed us to do last year.  Here is a link to our report: https://bit.ly/ripm2023report   

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

(Psalm 139:16 MSG) 

Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you. The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day. 

Laying the foundation.

Since the text we are looking at today (Psalm 139:16) talks about the fact that God laid out all the stages of David’s life before David ever lived one day, I will start with a brief description of the stages of his life.

Shepherd Boy: David’s early life as the 8th and final son of his father Jesse was spent tending to his father’s sheep in Bethlehem. This period was marked by solitude and intimacy with God, developing a heart after God’s own.

Anointed Future King: Despite his humble beginnings, David was anointed by Prophet Samuel as the future king of Israel, chosen by God by grace, not his outward appearance.

Courageous Giant Slayer: David’s faith in God was showcased when he defeated Goliath, the Philistine giant, with a sling and a stone, demonstrating his trust in God’s deliverance. David became a national hero overnight.

Saul’s Servant and Fugitive: After rising to fame, David served in King Saul’s court. However, Saul’s jealousy drove David to become a fugitive, hiding from Saul’s attempts on his life yet still respecting God’s anointed. David spent 13 years on the run.

King of Judah and then Israel: David was first anointed king over Judah and later became the king of the unified Israel, expanding the kingdom and establishing Jerusalem as the political and spiritual center. It took over 20 years for God’s promise to come to pass, but it did!

Worshipper and Psalmist: Throughout his life, David expressed his deep relationship with God through music and poetry, authoring many of the Psalms, which reflect his worship, repentance, and reliance on God.

Sinner and Repentant Soul: David’s life was not without fault. His adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah showcase his moral failures. Yet, his genuine repentance demonstrates God’s grace and forgiveness toward a contrite heart.

Father and Family Man: David’s family life was complex and full of challenges as well, including the rebellion of his son Absalom. These experiences reflect personal struggles, and they highlight how multifaceted life is.

Legacy and Ancestry of Christ: David’s reign established a royal lineage from which Jesus Christ, the Messiah, would be born, fulfilling God’s promise of an everlasting kingdom through David’s descendants. And in the book of Acts, David is remembered as a man after God’s own heart.

David’s life stages, from a shepherd boy to the revered king, underscore the depth of his relationship with God, his human flaws, and the divine grace that marked his journey. Each stage offers valuable lessons on faith, leadership, worship, repentance, and God’s unfailing promises. The point of today’s message is that the Bible says God mapped out ALL of these stages BEFORE David ever lived ONE DAY!

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1. God’s Intentional Design in Every Day and Every Stage of Your Life.

— Psalm 139:16 MSG reveals God’s meticulous involvement in every aspect of our lives, emphasizing that our existence is not random but intricately designed by Him.

— Understanding that each day and stage of your life is part of God’s grand design helps us to see the value in every moment, teaching us to live intentionally and purposefully.

— Acknowledge that even what seems mundane or routine is filled with divine purpose, guiding us to seek God’s presence in the everyday.

— This perspective shifts our focus from merely passing the time to actively participating in God’s plan, making us more attentive to His guidance and direction.

— Embrace each day as a unique opportunity to discover more of God’s plan for your life, knowing He has scripted every chapter with a purpose.

— Use this understanding to align your daily choices with God’s will, ensuring that your actions contribute to God’s divine script unfolding.

— Remember, in the grand design of God’s plan, no part is insignificant. God is painting a masterpiece with your life; every day is a stroke of His hand. Enter this day with that mindset!

2. Navigating Life with God’s Script (His plan) as Our Guide.

— God’s script for our lives, as highlighted in Psalm 139:16 MSG, serves as a divine blueprint, offering direction and clarity for our journey.

— In times of uncertainty or decision-making, reflect on this scripture to gain insight and confidence in the steps you need to take. You can find peace in knowing that God has a plan!

— Trust that God has already prepared each day for you, and your role is to walk in alignment with His predetermined path.

— Approach each day with an expectation to encounter God’s purpose, whether in challenges or successes, knowing He is orchestrating your story.

— Utilize prayer as a means to connect with God’s purpose for your life, seeking His wisdom and understanding to navigate each day.

— Let God’s purpose dissolve fears and anxieties about the future, assuring you that He holds every day in His capable hands.  

— David had many low moments in his life (while he was a fugitive; while in the cave of Adullam; when his family was taken, his possessions were burned to the ground, and his men wanted to kill him; when he committed adultery, got the woman pregnant, and had her husband killed, and etc.), but through it all, looking back, David basically said, “God had a plan and my mistakes never disqualifed me from it!” You can find peace in that!

3. Living Out God’s Purpose in Everyday Life.

— Embracing God’s purpose for our lives means actively seeking ways to live out His will in our daily interactions and decisions.

— Recognize that each day is an opportunity to display God’s character, love, and grace to those around you, living as a testament to His work in your life.

— Be mindful of God’s divine appointments and opportunities in your path each day, using them to further His Kingdom’s plans and purposes.

— Stay focused on God’s purpose, especially in the face of distractions or detours, maintaining a laser focus on fulfilling His plan for your life.  

— You must ignore every distraction so you do not veer off course!  

— Let your life be a living example of God’s purpose, showing others the peace, joy, and fulfillment that comes from walking in His will.

— Continually renew your commitment to God’s purpose through prayer, study, and fellowship, ensuring your actions are in sync with His divine narrative.

— As you live out God’s plan, be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, allowing Him to guide you in every chapter of your life story.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I live with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose for my life this year!

I acknowledge that every day of my life is part of Your intentional design, and I commit to living with purpose.

I trust that You have scripted my life with precision, and I will follow Your guidance with confidence.

I am determined to live out Your will in my daily interactions, reflecting Your love and grace to those around me.

I choose to focus on Your purposes, avoiding distractions that could lead me away from Your path.

I believe that every moment is an opportunity to further Your Kingdom and discover more of Your plan for my life.

I am open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, allowing Him to guide every chapter of my journey with You.

Father, thank You for choosing me, guiding me, and using me for Your glory. My life is Yours, and I walk in Your predestined path with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose.

Living this way, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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