Grace for Your Purpose: Doing What You Were Born to Do

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Today, we will also look at Ephesians 2:10.

(Ephesians 2:10 ERV)

God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

Setting the Stage:

Ephesians 2:10 reveals our true nature as God’s handiwork, created for specific good works laid out by Him. This message is a call to align with our divine purpose, embracing the “work” we are called to do as not merely “our duties” but as reflections of God’s grace in and on our lives. As we navigate our journey with purpose and grace, we get to fulfill the roles we were divinely assigned to complete on this planet.

1. Understanding Our Creation and Calling.

— God intricately designed each of us with a unique purpose. I hope that is clear by now (in this series). But today, we focus on the fact that our divine purpose includes ordained work we must do. This is work we were created, called, and deployed to this planet (at just the right time) to complete.

— Our identity and calling are rooted in Christ, transforming us into new creations with a mission aligned with God’s eternal plan.

— Acknowledging our divine craftsmanship (how God uniquely designed us) is the first step towards embracing the works He has prepared for us.

— These predestined good works are not burdens but opportunities to express our love for God and humanity. Said another way, our calling is not something we’ve GOT to do; it is something we GET to do!

— Discovering our specific calling requires a deep, personal relationship with God, where we seek His guidance and listen to His voice.

— The journey to uncovering these works is a process of spiritual growth, self-discovery, and continuous surrender to God’s will.

— While our purpose is set and established (fixed purpose), our experience with God as we seek to fulfill it is not static but dynamic. Every day with God is a journey of discovery (revelation), development (discipleship), and deployment (real-life experiences), where we are literally manifesting the destiny God planned for us before the world began.

2. Living Out Our Preordained Works.

— While we are not saved BY works, we are certainly saved FOR works. There is preordained work we were designed and deployed to this planet to complete before we die.

— Each day presents a new opportunity to live out the good works God has prepared for us, impacting our world in meaningful ways.

— These divine assignments are tailored to our unique gifts, talents, and experiences, aligning perfectly with who God created us to be.

— Embracing our God-given works infuses our daily lives with purpose, joy, and fulfillment, knowing we are contributing to God’s Kingdom.

— The realization that our actions are part of a larger divine narrative inspires us to pursue excellence and integrity in all we do. If you need motivation to operate in excellence, remind yourself that God is watching, even when no one else is.

— Faith and obedience are key to walking in our preordained path, trusting that God’s plan for us is good and perfect.

— While something is preordained for us, it does not mean it will be easy. Therefore, we must embrace the grace to operate in the spirit of an overcomer.

— Overcoming challenges and obstacles on this journey is possible through God’s strength and grace.

— Our commitment to doing these good works not only blesses others but also brings us closer to fulfilling our divine destiny.

3. The Impact of Our Divine Purpose.

— Living in alignment with our divine purpose transforms us and those around us, showcasing God’s love and power.  

— When we walk in our purpose, people get to see who God created us to be, and God is glorified in the process. Said another way, the only way to glorify God in/with/through your life to the maximum extent is to become the man/woman you were born to be and to do what you were destined to do.

— When we live this way, our lives become testimonies of God’s faithfulness, encouraging others to seek their own purpose and calling in Christ.

— The good works we do in obedience to God ripple out, creating waves of positive change in our communities and beyond.

— Fulfilling our divine purpose brings glory to God as our lives reflect His goodness, creativity, and redemptive work in the world.

— The legacy we leave is not measured by worldly success but by our faithfulness to the call God has placed on our lives.

— Our purpose-driven lives inspire future generations to discover and pursue their own God-ordained missions.

— The Lord said the following through Isaiah, “Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them” (Isaiah 43:7). As you can see, we were created for God’s glory.  

— Ultimately, walking in our divine purpose and calling is the highest expression of worship, honoring God with our lives and works.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I declare that I am living with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose for my life.

I acknowledge today that I am Your masterpiece, intricately crafted for a unique purpose. 

With a heart full of gratitude, I embrace the good works You have predestined for me, recognizing them as opportunities to display Your grace and glory.

I am committed to living out the calling You have placed upon my life, doing the work I was born to do with joy and excellence.

I believe that each day presents new opportunities to manifest Your kingdom on earth through the specific assignments You have for me. 

I understand that my journey involves both discovery and challenge. Yet, I am assured that Your grace is sufficient for every obstacle I may face. 

I am an overcomer by Your grace, equipped to complete the works You have set before me.

I commit to leaving a legacy of faithfulness and obedience, glorifying You through the fulfillment of my divine purpose. 

My greatest act of worship is to live the life You have planned for me, bringing honor to Your name.

Father, I thank You for the grace to embrace and execute the good works You have prepared for me. I do so with a laser focus, setting my gaze on what You have called me to do, undistracted by the world’s noise. 

I declare by faith that GREATER IS COMING FOR ME because I am living in alignment with Your will. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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