The Positive & Negative Consequences of Stewardship

by Rick

This morning, we continue our series onThe Parables of Jesus.” We will seek to glean “Pearls from the Parables.”

Before we get to the parable, let’s look at a scripture we have been looking at all year. This is something I believe the Lord wants us to meditate on.

(Psalm 126:4 TPT)

Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again.

This is a season of refreshing and restoring for us. 

(Matthew 25:14-30 TPT)

14 “Again, heaven’s kingdom is like a wealthy man who went on a long journey and summoned all his trusted servants and assigned his financial management over to them. 15 Before he left on his journey, he entrusted a bag of five thousand gold coins to one of his servants, to another a bag of two thousand gold coins, and to the third a bag of one thousand gold coins, each according to his ability to manage.

16 “The one entrusted with five thousand gold coins immediately went out and traded with the money, and he doubled his investment. 17 In the same way, the one who was entrusted with two thousand gold coins traded with the sum and likewise doubled his investment. 18 But the one who had been entrusted with one thousand gold coins dug a hole in the ground and buried his master’s money.

19 “After much time had passed, the master returned to settle accounts with his servants. 20 The one who was entrusted with five thousand gold coins came and brought ten thousand, saying, ‘See, I have doubled your money.’

21 “Commending his servant, the master replied, ‘You have done well, and proven yourself to be my loyal and trustworthy servant. Because you have been a faithful steward to manage a small sum, now I will put you in charge of much, much more. You will experience the delight of your master, who will say to you, “Enter into the joy of your Lord!” ‘

22 “Then the one who had been entrusted with two thousand gold coins came in and said, ‘See, my master, I have doubled what you have entrusted to me.’

23 “Commending his servant, the master replied, ‘You have done well, and proven yourself to be my loyal and trustworthy servant. Because you were faithful to manage a small sum, now I will put you in charge of much, much more. You will experience the delight of your master, who will say to you, “Enter into the joy of your Lord!” ‘

24 “Then the one who had been entrusted with one thousand gold coins came to his master and said, ‘Look, sir. I know that you are a hard man to please and you’re a shrewd and ruthless businessman who grows rich on the backs of others. 25 I was afraid of you, so I went and hid your money and buried it in the ground. But here it is–take it, it’s yours.’

26 “But his master said to him, ‘You’re an untrustworthy and lazy servant! If you knew I was a shrewd and ruthless business man who always makes a profit, why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank? 27 Then I would have received it all back with interest when I returned. 28 But because you were unfaithful, I will take the one thousand gold coins and give them to the one who has ten thousand. 29 For the one who has will be given more, until he overflows with abundance. And the one with hardly anything, even what little he has will be taken from him.’

30 “Then the master said to his other servants, ‘Now, throw that good-for-nothing servant far away from me into the outer darkness, where there will be great misery and anguish!’ “

Today, I will deal with the consequences of unfaithful and faithful stewardship.

I am not sure if this will be the last message from this parable, but we will see. God gave me a lot to share with you today. Let’s continue to glean divine insights from this amazing parable.

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1.  When you are an unfaithful steward, you miss out on rewards now and in the world to come!

— Faithful stewardship doesn’t just bring earthly blessings; it secures eternal rewards. 

— Every act of stewardship on earth has an eternal dimension to it as well. While we may see immediate outcomes here, there’s a lasting impact that transcends our earthly existence.

— The faithful stewards in the parable were not just working for the present; they were investing in their eternal future.  

— In the parable of the minas, in Luke 19, the faithful stewards were given charge over cities, indicating a level of trust and responsibility that goes beyond mere material wealth. The impact you can have when you are given charge over cities is something that will be felt long after you are gone.  

— It’s a profound reminder that our actions here on earth have eternal consequences. The choices we make and how we manage what God gives us shape our eternal destiny.

— The unfaithful steward lost out twice. Not only did he miss the immediate blessings, but he also forfeited the eternal rewards that come with faithful service.

— This underscores the gravity of our stewardship responsibilities. It’s not just about the here and now; it’s about forever. Every act of faithfulness is an investment in our eternal future.

— So, as we go about our duties, let’s be mindful of the eternal perspective. Let’s not be shortsighted, focusing only on the immediate gains or losses. Instead, let’s aim for the eternal rewards that God has promised to those who are faithful.

— Don’t miss out on the blessings of today and the eternal rewards of tomorrow. Be a faithful steward in all you do!

2.  When you are an unfaithful steward, you miss out on future opportunities in this world.

— The unfaithful steward’s actions had consequences that extended beyond the immediate loss of the talent. His inability to be a good steward meant he was deemed untrustworthy for future responsibilities.

— Just as in the business world, where poor management or misuse of resources can lead to reduced responsibilities or even job loss, in the Kingdom of God, poor stewardship today can cause us to miss out on the opportunities of tomorrow.

— The parable is clear: the master gave them what they were capable of managing. Those who managed what they were given well were given more. Those who did not, even the little they had, were taken away.

— Every act of stewardship is a test, a chance to prove ourselves ready for greater tasks. When we fail in the smaller tasks, we are showing God that we are NOT ready for bigger responsibilities.

— It’s not just about the immediate repercussions but the ripple effect it creates. Missed opportunities now can lead to fewer opportunities in the future. It’s a cycle of diminishing returns.

— On the flip side, faithful stewardship can open doors to greater avenues of service, influence, and impact. Just as the faithful stewards in the parables were entrusted with more, so too can we be given more opportunities to make a difference in this world.

— It’s essential to understand that our actions today shape our tomorrow. By being diligent and faithful stewards now, we set ourselves up for a future filled with opportunities to further God’s Kingdom on earth.

— In essence, stewardship is not just about managing what we have been given but also about preparing ourselves for what God wants to entrust us with in the future. Don’t limit your tomorrow by being an unfaithful steward today.

3.  Why God is against complacency.

— The unfaithful steward’s mistake was not that he squandered the money but that he did nothing with it. 

— Complacency can be as detrimental as active disobedience.

— God has created each of us with a purpose and potential. When we settle into complacency, we are essentially sidelining the divine potential He has placed within us.

— In the Bible, God often calls His people to action, to growth, and to progress. Complacency is the opposite of this call; it’s a stagnation that prevents us from moving forward in our spiritual journey.

— Complacency is a silent killer of dreams, potentials, and destinies. It lulls us into a false sense of contentment, making us believe that we’ve done enough or that we’re good where we are.

— God’s Kingdom is dynamic and ever-expanding. When we become complacent, we are not in alignment with the nature of His Kingdom. We become obstacles to the flow of His blessings and purposes.

— The parable of the talents is a clear illustration of how God views complacency. The unfaithful steward didn’t lose the talent; he simply buried it, thinking that doing nothing was a safe option. But in God’s eyes, doing nothing was the worst option.

— God values growth, multiplication, and fruitfulness. Complacency hinders all of these. It’s like a tree that refuses to bear fruit or a river that refuses to flow.

— God is against complacency because He knows our potential. Complacency robs us of the fullness of life that He desires for us.

— In conclusion, while complacency might seem like a passive state, in God’s eyes, it’s an active rejection of His call to growth, fruitfulness, and Kingdom expansion.  

4.  The consequence of rejecting God’s empowering grace (the opposite of #TheGraceLife). 

I am not talking about saving grace. In this case, I am addressing empowering grace.

— Empowering grace is the divine enablement placed upon your life, equipping you to fulfill your God-given purpose and assignments.

— All three stewards in this parable were endowed with the grace to multiply the talents. While two stewards tapped into this grace and bore fruit, one, the unfaithful steward, chose to ignore it.

— Rejecting this empowering grace is not merely a passive act; it’s an active decision to bypass God’s divine assistance and provision for your life.

— When you reject the grace of God designed to empower you, you essentially sideline yourself from the divine flow of God’s purpose for your life. This means missing out on the supernatural ease and effectiveness that comes with operating under God’s anointing.

— Such rejection can lead to unnecessary struggles because you are trying to make things happen that God wanted to make happen for you!

— Moreover, by rejecting this grace, you’re not only stunting your own spiritual growth but potentially depriving others of the blessings and impact you were meant to bring into their lives.

— It’s a sobering thought to consider that the grace of God, so freely given and so potent, can be rendered ineffective in our lives by our own choices. The Apostle Paul spoke about not receiving the grace of God in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1). This is a clear call to embrace and act upon the empowering grace given to us.

— The empowering grace of God is a precious gift, tailor-made for our unique callings and assignments. Rejecting or neglecting this grace not only hinders our personal journey but can also have broader implications for the Kingdom of God. Embracing this grace, on the other hand, leads to a life of fruitfulness, fulfillment, and divine alignment. It’s #TheGraceLiife, and it is how we are supposed to live.

5.  The ripple effect of good stewardship.

— Good stewardship doesn’t just affect you; it impacts those around you and even generations to come.

— Your faithfulness in stewardship can leave a legacy of faithfulness and commitment in others.

— Every act of responsible stewardship sends waves of positive influence, much like a stone thrown into a pond. These ripples can touch the lives of family members, friends, colleagues, and even strangers.

— When you manage God’s resources wisely, you become a living testimony of His principles in action. This can inspire others to adopt a lifestyle of good stewardship. Many people may not read the Bible, but they will read your life!

— Children often model what they see. By practicing good stewardship, you are setting a standard for your children, and they, in turn, will likely pass these values down to their children. This creates a generational cycle of faithfulness.

— Good steward can have very practical implications as well. The Bible says, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren” (Prov 13:22). If you start your life with an inheritance and you know it came to you from your forefathers, it should condition your mind to want to do the same for your descendants. This was not my reality growing up, but I want it to be the reality of the bloodline.

— Beyond the immediate family, your community and church can benefit from your stewardship. Whether it’s through charitable giving, volunteering, or through projects that impact your community, your actions can uplift and support many. I have told you many times that God produces change IN YOU first and then fruit FROM YOU. This fruit will impact everyone around you.!

— Good stewardship can also open doors of opportunity. When you’re known as someone trustworthy and responsible, others are more likely to entrust you with greater responsibilities, partnerships, or collaborations. People are always looking for someone to partner with whom they can trust.

— In the spiritual realm, your faithful stewardship can lead to blessings not just for you but for others connected to you. God honors faithfulness, and His blessings can overflow from your life to others. The blessing on your life can pass to the second and third generations. 

— Stories of faithful stewardship can serve as powerful testimonies that draw others closer to God. When they see God’s principles at work in your life, they may be encouraged to seek Him more earnestly in their own lives. I am a witness of this. Many of my family members have been impacted by the way I live my life.

— In a world where short-term gains and selfish ambitions are often prioritized (a microwave society), your commitment to good stewardship stands out. It serves as a beacon of light, guiding others towards a path of righteousness and eternal rewards.

— Good stewardship is like a seed planted in fertile ground. It benefits the sower and brings forth a harvest that can feed many. Your commitment to stewarding well has the potential to influence countless lives, making an eternal difference in God’s Kingdom.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, this is a season of refreshing and restoring for me! I boldly declare:

I am a faithful steward, knowing my decisions today shape my earthly blessings and eternal rewards.

I understand that my actions today pave the way for tomorrow’s opportunities.

I reject complacency, choosing instead to ignite the divine potential You’ve instilled in me.

I embrace Your empowering grace, recognizing it as the divine enablement for my life’s purpose.

I strive to leave a legacy of righteousness, ensuring my faithfulness echoes through generations.

I stand against short-term gains, anchoring my efforts in lasting Kingdom impact.

As I steward all You give me with diligence, I trust that You will open greater doors of opportunity, service, and influence.

In a world of fleeting ambitions and microwave mentalities, I trust that my commitment to making the most of this life and the world to come will become an example that will draw people to You!

I am sowing seeds of good stewardship, trusting You for a bountiful harvest that impacts countless lives in my family, sphere of influence, community, and beyond!

Living with this mindset, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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