Chosen Before Brith: God’s Preordained Plan

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” with the point being that we should live with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.  

This is the main scripture we will be looking at this year.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

(Galatians 1:15 ERV) 

But God had special plans for me even before I was born. So, He chose me through His grace.

Laying the foundation.

Yesterday, we took a high-level view of David’s life before I got into my points. I will do the same today with the life of the Apostle Paul.

1.  Born into a Jewish Family: Paul’s journey began in Tarsus, a significant cultural and intellectual center. Being born into a Jewish family, he was steeped in the traditions and scriptures of his people from an early age. This foundation laid the groundwork for his deep commitment to God’s Laws and his initial resistance to the message of Jesus Christ.

2.  Roman Citizenship by Birth: Unlike most Jews, Paul was born a Roman citizen, a privilege that provided him with legal protections and advantages in the Roman Empire. This dual citizenship (Jew and Roman) uniquely positioned him to navigate both cultures effectively, a trait that would become invaluable in his later ministry.

3.  Educated in Jerusalem in Jewish Law: Paul’s education under Gamaliel in Jerusalem, one of the most respected teachers of Jewish Law, was a pivotal aspect of his upbringing. 

4.  Groomed to be a Pharisee: As a Pharisee, Paul belonged to a sect known for its strict adherence to Jewish Law and traditions. His education and zeal for the Law were seen as preparation for a leadership role within this religious elite, making his later conversion to Christianity all the more of a testimony.

5.  Zealous from Childhood: Paul’s zeal for his faith was evident early on, as demonstrated by his presence at the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. His active participation in persecuting Christians underscored his dedication to Judaism and his initial view of Christianity as heresy.

6.  Leader Against Christ: Before his conversion, Paul was a fervent leader in the cause against Christians, obtaining letters from the high priest to arrest followers of Jesus in Damascus. His mission was to eradicate the Christian movement, which he viewed as a direct challenge to Jewish Law and tradition.

7.  Converted by God: Paul’s dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus was a turning point in his life. God revealed to him that he was on the wrong side and that he was called to lead the movement he was fighting against. 

8.  Led the Jesus Movement to the Gentiles: A few years after his conversion, Paul became the apostle to the Gentiles, using his background, education, and Roman citizenship to reach a diverse audience across the Roman Empire. His missionary journeys and epistles played a crucial role in establishing the early Christian church and spreading its message beyond Jewish communities.

9.  Acknowledgment of God’s Predestined Plan: Reflecting on his life, Paul recognized that God’s plan for him predated his birth. Despite his years spent opposing Christ, Paul understood that God had chosen him from the womb for a special purpose. 

This acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty and grace underscores God’s fixed purpose, demonstrating that our past does not disqualify us from fulfilling God’s plan for our lives.

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1. God’s Sovereignty Over Our Destiny.

— Before we took our first breath, God had already charted the course of our lives, as seen in Galatians 1:15, highlighting His sovereignty and grace in our calling.

— The concept of God knowing the end from the beginning reassures us that our journey through 2024 is under His divine oversight (Isaiah 46:10).

— God’s foreknowledge includes not just the major milestones but every decision we will make, ensuring that His plans for us are both comprehensive and personal.

— The recognition that God has predestined plans for us encourages a life that aligns with His will rather than one driven by our selfish desires or the world’s pressures.

— Understanding our lives as part of God’s grand narrative enables us to trust His timing and provision, even when the path ahead seems unclear.

— God’s fixed purpose for our lives is not a constraint but a liberation, offering a life of fulfillment, purpose, and impact that aligns with His eternal kingdom.

— Our challenge and privilege is to discern and embrace God’s predestined plan, yielding to His guidance and direction through prayer, the Word, and the church.

2. The Apostle Paul: A Case Study in Divine Calling.

— Paul’s life exemplifies a radical transformation from persecutor to preacher, demonstrating that God’s plans can transcend our past actions or affiliations.

— Despite his initial opposition to the cause of Christ, Paul’s life was all part of God’s amazing story for him, even before his encounter with God on the road to Damascus.

— Paul’s background in Jewish Law and zeal for his faith, though initially misdirected, were ultimately used by God to spread the gospel to the Gentiles. This reminds us that we are wired a certain way, and while we don’t always use our design the right way, when we finally get in alignment with God, He will take WHO WE ARE and use it for His glory!

— This transition from antagonist to apostle highlights the truth that God can repurpose our experiences and skills for His glory, regardless of our past.

— Paul’s acknowledgment of being called from the womb is a testament to God’s intimate involvement in our lives and His ability to fulfill His purposes through us.

— The Apostle Paul’s journey teaches us that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace and calling, inviting us to look beyond our current circumstances to the potential God sees in us.

3. Living with a Focus on God’s Fixed Purpose.

— Embracing God’s fixed purpose for our lives requires an intentional shift in focus from our plans to His, committing to pursue His direction and will above all else.

— Living focused on God’s purpose means constantly aligning our daily choices, actions, and priorities with what we discern to be God’s will for our lives.

— This focus is not passive but active, involving regular prayer, meditating/medicating on God’s Word, and involvement with the body of Christ (the church) for support and accountability.

— God’s plan for 2024 unfolds before our very eyes as we seek to walk with Him and be led by His Spirit.

— Focusing on God’s purpose helps us to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, knowing that our ultimate goal is to fulfill the role He has designed for us.

— In moments of doubt or confusion, remembering that God has chosen us through His grace can provide the peace, strength, reassurance, and recalibration we need to continue.

— Our commitment to God’s fixed purpose is a powerful testimony to others, demonstrating the peace, joy, and fulfillment that come from living in accordance with God’s sovereign plan.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I live with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose!

I stand in awe of Your sovereignty and grace over my life. 

I acknowledge that You had a plan for me even before I was born. 

I recognize that You have been to the end of 2024 and back, and You have laid out a path for me to follow.

I understand that Your plans for this year, and for my life, are a reflection of Your fixed purpose.

I commit to living my life focused on fulfilling Your divine plan, not my own desires.

I am grateful that, like the Apostle Paul, my past does not disqualify me from Your plans.

I accept my calling, knowing it was established by You before my birth.

I will use my background, my experiences, and even my past mistakes, for Your glory, as I align with Your purpose.

I choose to live with a laser focus on Your fixed purpose, seeking Your will above all else.

Father, I thank You for choosing me, for calling me, and for equipping me to live a life that reflects Your glory. 

Living this way, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. AMEN!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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