Thanksgiving Message 2023

by Rick

Today, I feel led to step away from our journey through the parables. I want to focus on a theme that resonates deeply with the spirit of this special day – Thanksgiving. This is not just a day for feasting and family gatherings but a time to reflect deeply on the profound importance of gratitude in our lives. In today’s message, we’ll explore the supernatural power of giving thanks, drawing inspiration from the Biblical account of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20. His story powerfully illustrates how praise and thanksgiving can lead to miraculous breakthroughs and victories. As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, let’s delve into the Word to understand more deeply why giving thanks is not just an act of courtesy but a vital component of our faith and walk with God.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1. The Power of Praise in Difficult Times.

— Praise shifts our focus from our problems to God’s power.

— It’s an act of faith, declaring our trust in God despite circumstances.

— Praise connects you to spiritual authority and invites God’s intervention.

— It transforms our perspective, enabling us to see challenges as opportunities for God to work.

— Praise is a weapon against despair and negativity.

— It brings peace and joy, even in the midst of trials.

— By praising God, we align ourselves with His promises and character.

2. The Role of Praise in Spiritual Warfare.

— Praise confounds the enemy and disrupts his plans.

— The enemy does not know what to do when he is doing all he can to get you to go crazy, but instead, you give God praise from a sound mind!

— Praise is a declaration of God’s sovereignty over every situation.

— Praise releases God’s power to work on our behalf.

— It’s a form of spiritual warfare, breaking down strongholds.

— Praise can bring about divine breakthroughs and miracles.

— It’s a testimony of our faith, showing our reliance on God and our trust that He will manifest His best.

— Through praise, we claim victory in Christ even before seeing it manifest.

— There is supernatural power in pre-performance praise (anyone can praise God after the fact; even the heathens can do that).

3. King Jehoshaphat’s Response to Crisis.

— Faced with a vast army coming to destroy them, Jehoshaphat sought God first.

— He proclaimed a fast and gathered the people to seek God’s guidance.

— Jehoshaphat’s prayer acknowledged God’s power and past deliverances.

— He admitted their powerlessness and dependence on God.

— The king’s humility and faith set a powerful example for his people.

— God’s response through a prophet reassured them of His presence and promised victory.

— Jehoshaphat’s faith led him to worship and praise God even before the battle began.

— When you get a Word from God, you should praise Him like it’s already done because since God spoke, He committed Himself, and He will never turn His back on His Word.

4. The Victory Through Praise!

— Jehoshaphat appointed singers to lead the Army, praising God.

— Instead of sending out his Army, he sent the praise team!

— Their act of praise was a radical step of faith in God’s promise.

— As they began to sing and praise. The praise team kept saying, “Praise the Lord, For His mercy endures forever!” While they did this, over and over, God set ambushes against their enemies.

— The enemy armies were confused and defeated themselves.

— Jehoshaphat and his people didn’t have to fight; God fought for them.

— They collected the spoils for days, a symbol of God’s overwhelming blessing.

— This victory demonstrated the power of praise and God’s faithfulness to His people. 

5. What to do when we don’t know what to do!

— There will be times when we, like King Jehoshaphat in the text, don’t know what to do.

— When we don’t know what to do, we need to seek God concerning it.

— Unlike the Old Covenant, we don’t have to rely on a prophet or priest to get a Word from God for us. We can go to God directly, through the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus!

— Fasting helps. Fasting does not change God. Fasting changes you. Fasting puts you in a position where you are more sensitive to hearing God’s voice.

— One Word from God can turn any seemingly hopeless situation around.

— When you get a word from God, just know that it may not make sense. God told Jehoshaphat to do something crazy. Why? Because God is spiritual, not sensual. God does not limit Himself to things that make sense in this world. So when God speaks, you must have the faith and courage to do what He is leading you to do, even at the risk of looking foolish!

— The Israelites did not know what to do. They sought the Lord concerning it, God spoke a Word, they believed the Word even when it didn’t make any sense, and they were delivered from the circumstances. This is how we’re supposed to live. This is the life of faith. This is how our faith taps into God’s grace.

— The key to their victory was giving God praise. Guess what? The key to your victory may be waiting for you to unleash it by opening your mouth and praising God in the middle of a difficult situation!

In closing, as we reflect on the supernatural power of praise and the inspiring example of King Jehoshaphat, let us hold close to our hearts the profound truth found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which says, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Another translation says, “give thanks in all circumstances.”  

This scripture reminds us that our gratitude and praise are not just for moments of victory and joy but for every circumstance we encounter. In doing so, we align ourselves with God’s will, acknowledging His sovereignty and grace in our lives. As we celebrate Thanksgiving and every day thereafter, let us embrace a heart of gratitude, continually offering our praise to God, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.

Declaration of Faith For Thanksgiving 2023:

Father, as I prepare for Thanksgiving Day, I stand in awe of Your goodness and mercy. I declare that my heart is filled with gratitude for all that You are and all that You have done in my life. I recognize, like King Jehoshaphat, that there are times when I don’t know what to do, but I choose to turn to You, seeking Your guidance and wisdom.

I believe that praise is my weapon and my shield. In the face of challenges and uncertainties, I will praise You, for Your Word teaches me that praise shifts my focus from my problems to Your power. I declare that my praise is an act of faith, a declaration of my trust in You, regardless of my circumstances.

I understand that praise is a form of spiritual warfare. It confounds the enemy and disrupts his plans. As I lift my voice in praise, I am declaring Your sovereignty over every situation in my life. I believe that as I praise You, Your power is released to work on my behalf, bringing about divine breakthroughs and miracles.

Lord, I am inspired by the story of King Jehoshaphat. I choose to follow his example of humility, faith, and worship. I will praise You even before the battle begins, trusting in Your promise and Your faithfulness. I believe that as I praise You, You fight my battles, and victory is mine in Christ Jesus.

I commit to living a life of gratitude, not just on Thanksgiving Day but every day. I will give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Your will for me in Christ Jesus. I acknowledge that every good and perfect gift comes from You, and I choose to live with a thankful heart, continually offering my praise to You.

Living with this mindset, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

From my family to yours, may you have an amazing Thanksgiving Day. May your heart be filled with joy, praise, and divine thanksgiving.

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