Let The Fruit of the Holy Spirit Flow Naturally

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled “Living the Grace Life,” where we will learn to embrace and walk in God’s unmerited, unearned, and often undeserved favor throughout 2025.

Key scriptures for this year:

2 Corinthians? ?9?:?8? ?TPT??

“Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.”


??Galatians? ?5?:?4? ?TPT??

“If you want to be made right with God by fulfilling the obligations of the law, you have cut off more than your flesh—you have cut yourselves off from Christ and have fallen away from the revelation of grace!”

Romans? ?6?:?14? ?ERV??

“Sin will not be your master, because you are not under law. You now live under God’s grace.”


1 Corinthians? ?15?:?10? ?NIV??

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”

Additional scriptures for today:

(Galatians 5:22,23 The Passion Translation) 

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:

joy that overflows,

peace that subdues,

patience that endures,

kindness in action,

a life full of virtue,

faith that prevails,

gentleness of heart, and

strength of Spirit.

Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

Setting the Stage:

The Holy Spirit produces His fruit IN and THROUGH us as we die to self. We don’t produce these fruits – He does.  When we try to produce them in our own strength, we’re actually working against grace.  Today, we’ll look at the first four fruits listed in Galatians 5:22-23, and tomorrow, we’ll cover the remaining four. Understanding that these fruits are produced by the Holy Spirit and not by our efforts is crucial to living THE GRACE LIFE.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1. The Holy Spirit Produces Joy That Overflows.

The Holy Spirit produces supernatural joy that isn’t dependent on circumstances. This joy flows from His presence within you, not from your pursuit of happiness.

How this applies to you:

— The joy Paul is talking about in Galatians is produced by the Holy Spirit, not by you.  This is a manifestation of God’s grace and not our effort.

— You don’t have to manufacture this joy; it flows from within.  God’s joy overflows naturally as we learn to yield to His presence.

— This joy remains, even in challenging circumstances.  Happiness is contingent upon happenings, but joy (a fruit of the Spirit) is constant, even amidst troubling times.

— Re-joice means to tap back into your joy, which is always available since the Holy Spirit never leaves you.  Happiness comes and goes with circumstances.  You can never re-happy, but you can always re-joice!

The Holy Spirit’s joy manifests as a supernatural ability to maintain Godly enthusiasm even when circumstances don’t give you a reason to be happy.

— You can tap into this joy 24x7x365 because it’s produced by the Holy Spirit who lives in you.  God’s presence does not fluctuate.

— The Spirit’s joy can strengthen you for every task. Others will notice this supernatural joy when you allow the joy of the Lord to be your strength.

— Your consistent joy becomes a testimony of God’s grace at work.

— In the workplace, this joy creates a positive atmosphere that influences everyone around you.

— During stressful meetings or deadlines, this supernatural joy helps you maintain a Godly perspective when the pressure is on.  This is paramount becuase your outlook will often influence your outcome.

— When you develop a joy-filled leadership style, it will inspire and motivate your team to operate with excellence without taking on the pressure to perform.

— Notice how none of this comes from striving (in human effort) but rather as a result of resting (in God’s grace).

2. The Holy Spirit Produces Peace That Subdues.

The peace the Holy Spirit produces calms every storm and settles every anxiety. It’s not peace you create; it’s peace the Holy Spirit gives.

How this applies to you:

— The peace Jesus died to give us surpasses all human understanding.

— Godly peace is produced by the Holy Spirit’s presence, not your effort.

— You don’t have to strive for peace; it flows from within.

When you are resting in God’s peace, you can face any challenge with supernatural calm, unmoved and unfazed by the challenges of this present world.

— This means you can have peace when the pressure is coming from the world and even when your soul is trying to pull you into the depths of stress.  Your peace can keep you still and resilient. 

— This peace acts like a military guard, pulling guard duty around your heart and mind against worry, fear, doubt, and unbelief.  When you live this way, others will wonder how you remain so peaceful in situations that cause most people stress.

— You enter into God’s rest, where you remain unbothered by changing circumstances because this peace surpasses human comprehension.

— Your peace enables you to wait on God’s promises without losing hope, no matter how long manifestation takes.

— This supernatural peace gives you the ability to focus on God’s will, even in challenging situations, just like Paul wrote much of the New Testament from jail.

— Pressure that destroys others does not seem to faze you at all.  People are amazed at how unbothered you seem. Your peace enables you to see what God wants you to see in the situation.

— In high-pressure business situations, this peace helps you make clear decisions.

— During organizational changes or uncertainty, you maintain a steady, peaceful presence.  Many people, especially those in the government or who work with the government, need to tap into this type of peace right now.

— Your peace-filled approach to challenges makes you a stabilizing force in your workplace.  This is much needed today, and notice that it does not come from human effort. You are not striving to be at peace (that is counterintuitive). You are resting in the grace of God.

3. The Holy Spirit Produces Patience That Endures.

The Holy Spirit produces supernatural patience that goes beyond your natural capacity to wait or endure.

How this applies to you:

— This patience is supernatural, not self-generated.

— The Holy Spirit produces this type of patience as you yield to Him.

— You don’t have to force patience; it is developed in your heart, and it flows naturally from your spirit as you grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.

— With Godly patience, you can endure what you couldn’t in your own strength.

— Godly patience manifests as a force of consistency.  You are consistently consistent, day in and day out.

—  No matter what you face at home or work, you are the same person with the same disposition every day.

— Others will notice your supernatural endurance.

Biblical patience is more than passive waiting; it’s an active force that empowers you to remain steadfast and unmovable in the face of any challenge. You are able to maintain Godly hope while you wait because you know God cannot lie, and He will do everything He said He would do in and through your life.

— This patience produces a level of maturity in you that cannot be given; it is only developed through successfully passing tests while maintaining your faith.

The Holy Spirit’s patience empowers you with supernatural resiliency, enabling you to overcome setbacks and disappointments without becoming depressed and without allowing yourself to be derailed from your destiny.

— As you grow in divine patience, you enter each day with an “I’m in it for the long haul” mindset, knowing there’s no Plan B for what God said and there is no retirement plan for the believer. You will be dedicated to God’s purpose for your life until you die.

— At work, this patience helps you handle delays and setbacks gracefully becuase you have developed the ability to look past present challenges.

— During difficult negotiations, your supernatural patience gives you a strategic advantage, because you refuse to get frustrated or overly emotional.

— When dealing with challenging colleagues or clients, this patience enables better outcomes because you are making decisions from a clear mind and a peaceful heart.

— Notice how none of this comes from striving (in human effort) but rather as a result of resting (in God’s grace).

4. The Holy Spirit Produces Kindness.

The Holy Spirit produces divine kindness that goes beyond mere human niceness. It’s His nature flowing through you.

How this applies to you:

— Divine kindness is produced by the Spirit, not your effort.  It flows naturally from your heart as you yield to the Holy Spirit.

— As you walk with God and develop His heart, you become naturally kind.  Others will experience God’s nature through you.  This is what it boils down to.  You are kind because God is kind.

The Holy Spirit’s kindness transforms your relationships.  He teaches you how to love those who are difficult to love and respond with kindness to those who approach you with contempt.  Your soft answer will turn away wrath.

— The Holy Spirit develops in you a disposition that actively delights in contributing to others’ happiness, making kindness a natural expression of your heart since God’s heart is being developed inside of you.

— You become divinely empathetic, genuinely connecting with others’ situations and feeling compelled to help, not from duty but from the overflow of God’s love in your heart.

— Like God’s love and grace towards you, your kindness becomes completely one-sided – you don’t base your kind actions on others’ performance or whether they ‘deserve’ your help.

— The Holy Spirit leads you to actively seek opportunities to do good, getting excited when chances arise to meet others’ needs, making you a conduit of God’s love in this world.

— In leadership roles, this kindness creates a culture of genuine care and respect.  You go out of your way to help those on your team, without thinking twice.  

— During performance reviews or feedback sessions, God’s supernatural kindness helps you provide correction when needed, but in a way that it can be received well. God’s kindness teaches how to have difficult conversations while avoiding offense.

— Your Spirit-led kindness becomes a powerful force in business, opening doors that aggressive tactics cannot because you’re operating as a conduit of God’s love rather than relying on human pressure or force. When others respond with negativity, your consistent kindness helps you overcome evil with good, just as God does with us.

— Lastly, you should not think that you can become spiritually powerful while being rude to others. John explained to us that we cannot claim to love a God we cannot see, while hating the people we can see (1 John 4:20). John went on to say, “Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” God is love, and love is kind! God’s grace will empower you to be kind to others.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your amazing grace and the fruit Your Spirit produces in me. I am not trying to manufacture these fruit in my own strength. Instead, I yield to Your Spirit and allow Him to produce His fruit through me.

I declare that Your joy flows through me today, regardless of my circumstances. This supernatural joy creates a positive atmosphere wherever I go. Whether in meetings, working on projects, or dealing with challenges, Your joy gives me strength and helps me maintain Your perspective.

Your peace fills my heart.  While others are stressed and anxious, I remain calm and collected. This supernatural peace enables me to make clear decisions under pressure and helps me be a stabilizing force in my workplace.

I thank You for Your patience that endures. I don’t get frustrated or emotional when facing delays or setbacks. Your patience enables me to be consistently consistent, day in and day out. I handle difficult people and challenging situations with a clear mind and supernatural endurance.

Your kindness flows through me naturally. I don’t have to manufacture it; it’s who I am in Christ. I deliver correction with care, handle difficult conversations without offense, and overcome evil with good. Your kindness opens doors that force cannot.

Living this way, Your fruit is evident in my life, and I experience THE GRACE LIFE in 2025 and beyond. As I yield to Your Spirit, GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

This is Today’s Word! Apply it and prosper!

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