True Freedom

by Rick

(John 11:43,44 NIV)  When He had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”  The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped in strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.  Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”


This morning we continue this mini-series  “Lessons from Lazarus.”  This past weekend we, as a nation, celebrated our freedom.  The freedoms Americans have is what makes this nation so great.  Without question the United States is still a symbol of freedom and hope for most of the free world.  With that in mind, we will talk about true freedom today; the type of freedom we can experience in Christ.


As you know by now, Jesus was at the grave site, the body was stinking because it had been dead for four days, and Jesus required faith of the sisters.  The supplied the faith and gave Jesus access to their dead situation by having the stone rolled away.  The stage is now set for the miracle to take place.  Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”  The spirit of Lazarus rushed back into his corpse and Lazarus worked himself into a standing position.  He was alive and he was standing, but Lazarus was still wrapped up like a mummy.  Jesus then made His second declaration, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”  This second statement was not made to Lazarus, but rather to all those who were standing around, watching the miracle.


So what does this mean to you today? This is plenty here, but I will confine my comments to the two declarations and how they apply to our walk with Christ:


1.  Salvation:  Jesus called Lazarus by name and this was a call from death unto life and Lazarus had to respond to the call.  So it is with us.  It is not God’s will that any should perish.  God has given us the gift of eternal life and that life is wrapped up in Jesus.  He calls us by name through the mouths of many witnesses.  If we are honest we can admit that it took many calls for most of us to respond to Jesus and receive Him as Lord.  If you are not saved this morning, if you have never repented of your sin and accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then this is another call for YOU!  God is speaking to you right now, tugging at your heart, and calling you out of your dead and stinking situation.  Like Lazarus, people have discounted and dismissed your destiny, but you don’t have to remain that way.  Like Lazarus, you can respond to the call and receive life in Jesus!


2.  Sanctification:  Salvation is instantaneous, but sanctification is a process.  Some may want to get technical and say that we are also sanctified instantly through the blood of Jesus.  I know that, but what I mean by this statement is that while our spirit is saved instantly; our mind (soul) must be saved/transformed progressively.  There is a process to mind-renewal and that process comes through the Word of God.  Lazarus was alive, but he was still wrapped up in dead stuff. He was wrapped up in dead man’s clothes.  He was bound like a mummy from the experience of death and the trappings of death hindered him from freely experiencing his new life.  That’s how it is with us! When we are Born-Again we are alive, but we are still wrapped up with dead stuff.  Our mind is still convoluted with our past and we must seek to renew our mind through careful study and application of the Word of God.  That is how we will experience the true freedom of our new life.  We don’t have to attempt to do this by ourselves.  That is why it is so important to be a member of a church and to receive God’s Word on a consistent basis.  Our fellowship with the brethren will help the process.  You don’t believe me?  Look at the text.  Lazarus did not remove the dead stuff by himself.  Jesus sent others to him to help him to attain his freedom.  Hallelujah!


Closing Confession:  Father, You sent Your Son Jesus to die in my stead.  He paid a debt He did not owe for a price I could not pay.  He was completely innocent and I was completely guilty, but He stood in the gap for me.  I receive Your Son Jesus as my Lord.  I repent of sin and declare my allegiance to the one who died for me.  As I do this I am Born-Again IN HIM!  And as a Born-Again believer I also receive Your freedom as a child of God.  I fellowship with others, I study the Word, I renew my mind, and I receive liberation from the dead stuff of my former life!  This past weekend I celebrated the freedom of our nation and today I celebrate my true freedom in You!  I declare this by faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!


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