The Language of Faith

by Rick

We come to God with a set way of thinking and speaking and we must allow the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to transform our thoughts, words, and actions.  Once we change the way we think, we will change the way we speak.  Once we change the way we think and speak, we will change the way we act.  Once we change the way we act, we have changed!  Hallelujah!

Here are 5 facets of the Language of Faith:

1.  The Language of Faith’s vocabulary is found in the Word of God (Jer 1:12).  When I joined the military I had to learn the ‘lingo’ and what the plethora of acronyms that we use meant.  Likewise, when I was Born-Again, I had to learn what things like salvation, redemption, atonement, sanctification, propitiation, etc; meant.  I learned them through the Word of God.  We must all learn the language.

2.  The Language of Faith speaks pertinent promises.  Once I learned the language, I had to start putting it into practice.  I learned that there were scriptures that promised me peace when I troubled, health when I was sick, deliverance when I was bound, restoration when I was alienated, and etc.  I had to learn what scriptures were pertinent to my situation and I stood on those pertinent promises.  The language of faith speaks those pertinent promises for permanent change.

3.  The Language of Faith speaks the desired outcome (Rom 4:17).  I had to train myself not to simply speak what I saw.  If I can see it, then it does not require faith (Heb 11:1).  I had to train myself – under this new language – to speak things, in accordance with the Word of God, that I desired to happen, before they happened.  Not only that, but I had to literally train myself to believe that what I spoke would come to pass.  That is basically ‘releasing your faith’ over a certain situation.

4.  The Language of Faith continues to speak the desired outcome until it comes to pass.  It is foolish to think that everything in Christ is going to come easy.  You can find the right promise, speak the right things, release your faith, but there will always be opposition.  They key is not to allow what you see (opposition) to change what you say (faith).  You must continue to speak the desired outcome until you see it come to pass in your life!

5.  The Language of Faith never cancels out their declaration of faith with doubt and unbelief (Jas 1:7).  We dealt with this yesterday.  We must doubt and doubt and have faith in our faith.  Know that doubt cancels faith and that faith cancels doubt.  Never speak doubt after you have spoken faith.

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