Jesus on the Cross – “It is Finished!”

by Rick

(John 19:30 KJV)  When Jesus had therefore received the vinegar, He said, it is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost.


This morning we continue our “Passion Week” series.  Jesus was born of a virgin in a manger in Bethlehem.  He lived most of His life as a normal man, other than the fact that He never sinned.  At the age of thirty He was baptized at the hands of John (His cousin).  Jesus then two years or so ministering in Galilee and Judea.  When things got hot with the rulers of the time, He spent a few months ministering in Perea (east of the Jordan), to stay out of the clutches of the Jewish leadership.  Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to help prepare the disciples for His resurrection.  He attempted to explain to His disciples what would happen to Him, but they failed to understand.


Just days before the last Passover of His life, Jesus moved back toward Jerusalem for the end of His earthly ministry.  On the way there, He stopped at Jericho to heal a blind beggar named Bartimeaus and to minister to a tax collector named Zaccheaus.  Jesus then traveled to Bethany where He stayed with His friends (Lazarus, Mary, and Martha) during the final week of His human life.  Jerusalem was astir because the Sanhedrin made it known that they were after Jesus.  Many people thought Jesus would not even show up.  But Jesus did show up, as He traveled those two and a half miles from Bethany to Jerusalem every day of this Holy Week.


That Sunday morning Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people went crazy.  The threw down palm branches and their coats and yelled, “Hosanna.  Hosanna.  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”  That night He went back to Bethany.  Early the next morning Jesus got up and took off back to Jerusalem.  Jesus left before eating breakfast and He was hungry when He came upon a fig tree.  It had a lot of leaves on it, but no figs (like the nation of Israel at the time) and He cursed it.  Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and cleared out the temple of the moneychangers and those selling unclean animals for sacrifice.  The next day would be a tough day for Jesus.  He had to outsmart the Pharisees all day long as He taught.  He then had the Passover meal with His disciples (which we acknowledge as the Last Supper).  Jesus identified His betrayer at dinner.  After dinner Jesus took His inner circle (Peter, James, and John) with Him to Gethsemane for what was possibly the greatest battle of his human life  –  the battle within Himself.  Several hours later the battle was over and Jesus had surrendered His will to the will of the Father.  Jesus was ready for the cross.


Judas came with the guards and the officials and betrayed Jesus with a kiss.  The remainder of that night and early into the next morning He would have to endure six illegal trials – three before the Sanhedrin and three before Roman tribunals.  Without any real charge, without any real witnesses, without an opportunity nor the time to prepare a defense, and without them finding any guilt at all, they condemned the only sinless human to ever live. They hung Him on a cross at 9am.  From Noon to 3pm the sun refused to shine.  At 3pm, having fulfilled all prophesy and ready to pay for the sin of humanity, Jesus said, “It is finished!


So what does this mean to you today?  Let me explain it by telling you more about what He said.  The three English words (it is finished) are really only one Greek word (tetelestai).  This word has been found on old tax receipts and it means, “Paid in Full!”  Once and for all, Jesus paid the price for our sin.  Take a moment to meditate on what Jesus did for you.  Remember this the next time you willfully sin.


Closing Confession:  Father, I will never cease to give You praise for Jesus and what he did for me.  Jesus willfully took on a debt He did not owe, for a price I could never pay.  Jesus offered His Blood as a payment for my sin and my debt is now PAID IN FULL!  Thank You Father!  Thank You Jesus!  Thank You Lord!  I love You with all my heart and the very least that I could do for You is to live out the remainder of my days in honor of and in humble submission to You!  You have left me here in the earth, for such a time as this, for a reason and I humbly submit to my purpose.  Jesus fulfilled His destiny and I am determined to fulfill mine.  When I get to the end of my life I want to be able to say, “It is finished!”  In order to do that I must live every day with purpose and on purpose and I will.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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