Slow Down

by Rick

(Read Mark 5:24-34)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  In last Thursday’s message we dealt with Jairus and his little girl.  I highlighted the fact that Jesus ignored the Law in order to touch the little girl’s cadaver and raise her back to life.  On the way to see the girl I briefly mentioned Jesus’ encounter with a woman who had an issue that also made her unclean.  Let’s take a closer look at that encounter this morning.


The woman who broke through the crowd in order to touch Jesus (both physically and spiritually) was actually breaking the Law in the process.  The Bible says that she had “an issue of blood” for 12 years.  In short, her menstrual cycle had literally not stopped in 12 years.  Physically, this would be bad enough for any woman, but from a spiritual aspect the Judaic Law made this woman’s life miserable during this time.  The Judaic Law stipulates that a woman is unclean during menstruation (see Lev 15:19-31).  Further, during the menstruation cycle the woman defiles everyone and everything she touches.  She may not have sexual intercourse with her husband.  If she does, he is subject to arrest and perhaps even the death penalty.  Dealing with this once a month was hard enough, but for 12 years straight it is enough to drive anyone crazy.  This woman had tried everything she could think of.  In addition to going to the religious leaders, who had no power to heal her condition, she spent all her money doctors and it yielded her nothing but bankruptcy.


I can’t imagine what it would feel like to bleed for 12 years straight.  This woman was financially bankrupt, physically debilitated, socially ostracized, and legally bound as a prisoner in her own body.  Instead of being a help, her Jewish faith was actually a hindrance.  The religious leaders wanted nothing to do with her, because she was unclean.  If anyone needed grace and a supernatural touch from God, it was her.  Amazingly enough, this woman heard of a miracle worker who had the audacity heal people on the Sabbath, to touch lepers, and to care more about people than stipulations.  So she mustered up enough courage to go out and meet the man.  She formulated an internal mantra and she kept saying to her herself, “If I can touch but His clothes, I shall be made whole.  If I can touch but His clothes, I shall be made whole.”  I am sure she imagined herself touching Jesus and somehow something happening for her bleeding to stop.  She developed an image and she kept the image before her as she made her way through the crowd.  The woman knew that what she was doing was illegal.  If anyone recognized her and her situation, and realized that she was making everyone she touched unclean, the punishment would be severe.  But the Law did not matter to her anymore.  She was at her wit’s-end and this was her lance chance.  She broke through the crowd, touched Jesus’ clothes, and she immediately felt the power of God flow through her body.  She knew she was healed from that very moment.  Her vision came to pass.  Instead of chastising her for making Him unclean, Jesus took the time to listen to her story.  With Jairus anxiously waiting in the wings, Jesus focused all His attention on this woman and He spoke healing and wholeness into her weary body.  This woman left changed by grace and she would never be the same.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Don’t be so busy that you miss God.  Jesus had to stop long enough to minister to the woman and He gave her His undivided attention.


2.  You won’t reach those you don’t have compassion for.  If Jesus had looked at the woman through the lens of the LAW, He would have dismissed her as unclean.  But Jesus chose to look at the woman through the lens of LOVE.  Make sure you do the same!


3.  Never underestimate the power of a few minutes well spent.  You will encounter people today who need a kind word, a soft shoulder, a listening ear, or a prayer partner.  If you feel a nudge in your heart to offer any of these to someone today, please take the time to do so.  God will be pleased, they will be touched, and grace will be released!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this Word.  I thank You for always having the time and taking the time to minister to me.  When You look at me You don’t see someone who is unclean and You don’t see someone who is righteous because of their own works.  You see a child who has been forgiven by grace, covered by the Blood of Your Son, filled with Your Spirit, and called according to Your divine plans and purposes.  As a forgiven child I ask You Father to use me today to reach someone who is in need.  Set me up with a divine appointment and give me the discernment to know what to say and how to say it.  I am a recipient of Your grace and I now offer myself up to become a conduit of it.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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