The Grace to Dream Divine Dreams!

by Rick

(Ephesians 3:20 AMP)  Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams].


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  I want to share something I have been meditating on all weekend.  At the end of last week I attended Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ DC Victory Campaign, which I attend every year.  I love to hear Kenneth and Gloria teach the Word and I jump at every opportunity to receive from them in person.  The meeting was something I needed.


During and after the the Lord dealt with me concerning my future.  I consider myself a planner, so I do have plans for my future, but as the Lord began to show me some of the things He wants to do in my life His plans far-surpassed mine; by an order of magnitude.


Yesterday, while I was in church, during the worship, I began to think about what I believe God wants to do in my life and I wept.  Throughout the service, the thought would come up again and I would weep again.  Although I have always considered myself to be a man of faith, there was a time in my life where I would not have been able to “see” or “accept” what God is telling me, because it is far-greater than me, or than anything I could ever think I deserve.  This is where Grace comes in.  The message of Grace has helped me take the emphasis off of me and my limits, and place it on our limitless God.  If God tells me He wants to do something amazing in my life, by Grace (and not because I have earned it), then who am I to say no?  My job is to say yes and to pursue it by faith.  Our scripture for this morning tells us that God can do much more than we can ask, think or even imagine.  This verse is more real to me this morning than it has ever been.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Abraham did nothing to earn or deserve the call on his life.  God called him by Grace and he said yes by faith.  What God did through Abraham was far greater than anything he could have ever imagined while he was an idol-worship in Ur of the Chaldeans.


2.  David was minding his own business, tending sheep, when God called him to be king.  The call came by Grace and he accepted the assignment by faith.  While David was a shepherd I am sure he had plans for his future.  But I am also sure his plans had nothing to do with being king.  God’s plans are far greater than ours.


3.  Mary the mother of Jesus did nothing to earn the right to become the Mother of our Lord.  The plan was revealed to her by Grace and she accepted the call by faith.  She thought she was about to get married and live a normal life.  I am sure she had some level of dreams for her future, but God changed her life forever when He revealed HIS DREAM for her life.  He will do the same for you.


4.  An understanding of Grace frees you to dream God-given dreams, because you already know you don’t deserve it and you have not earned it.  But if God wants to do it by Grace, you simply say yes by faith.


5.  The message of Grace helps you take the emphasis of your life off of you and your limits, and place it on the God of NO LIMITS.  This way, when God reveals His dream for your life, you say yes because you know that if He gives you the vision, He will also give you the provision.


6.  We serve a God who can do exceeding, abundantly, above all you can ask, think or imagine.  So when you start to dream BIG dreams, don’t hold back, there is nothing God can’t do.  Remember, He does not want to bless you because you are so good.  He wants to bless you because He is so good!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for giving me the release to dream divine dreams.  The more I understand Your grace, and the more I take the emphasis off of me, the more I am able to take the limits off of my life, my dreams and my future.  You are the God of NO LIMITS.  By faith I remove every limit I have ever placed on You Father, my limitless God.  There is nothing You cannot do.  There is nothing too hard for You.  There was a time in my life where I was not ready for You to reveal BIG things to me, because I was too focused on me, my faults, my flaws and my failures.  Back then, if You told me You wanted to do something BIG in my life, I would simply disqualify myself from it, in my own mind, because of my past mistakes.  But now that I understand GRACE I take the limits off.  I open myself up to You wholeheartedly.  I am open to do whatever You want to do in my life, regardless of how BIG it seems to me, because I know I can do all things by Your Grace.  There is nothing I cannot do when You are leading me to do it, because it will not be me doing it, by rather Your Grace working through me.  Your Word tells me that You can do exceeding, abundantly, above all I can ask, think or imagine.  Therefore, I release myself to dream the dreams You give me and I will never hold You back from operating in my life because of unbelief.  You show me what You want to do by Grace.  I say “yes” and I pursue it by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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