Renewing Your Mind (Part 5)

by Rick

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(Read Mat 14:22-32)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  For the last few messages we have been looking at the importance of renewing your mind in order to accept and experience the grace of God.  This message flows in that same vein as I seek to pick up where we left off yesterday.


Yesterday I shared with you the story of Peter walking on water.  Jesus came to the disciples around 3am, in the middle of a storm, walking on water, and they thought He was a ghost.  Jesus told them not to be afraid.  Peter recognized Jesus’ voice and said, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”  Jesus simply replied, “Come.”  With that simple Word from Jesus, Peter climbed over the side of the boat, he stepped down into the water, and he actually performed the supernatural.  Peter walked on water towards Jesus.  We don’t know how many steps he was able to take, but it did not take long for Peter to start to factor in the natural.  The Bible says that when Peter saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink.  “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.  Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him.  Now notice what Jesus said next.  This is key.  Jesus said, “You have so little faith, why did you doubt me?”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Give yourself a license to dream.  Peter was the only disciple to get out of the boat.  He was the only one to think that big.  He was the only one to attempt to DO what Jesus was DOING and He attempting it, because He gave himself license to dream big.  When you renew your mind, and you take the limits off of God, you will start to see yourself doing things you have never seen before, and the fact that the Lord allows you to SEE it, in your mind’s eye, is evidence that He will bring it to pass.  It is the renewed mind that dreams divine dreams.


2.  Muster up the courage to take your dream public.  It was one thing for Peter to see himself walking on water, like Jesus was, in his mind, but it was something else altogether for Peter to muster up the courage to SAY it.  When Peter said, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water,” he was crossing the faith-line.  This is the point of no return.  Maybe one of the other disciples had the the courage to dream it, but Peter was the only one who had the courage to SAY it.  When you renew your mind you free yourself to SEE what God wants to do in your life, and you build up your faith to the point where you will have the courage to SAY what you SEE.  The renewed mind is not afraid of taking God public.


3.  Stop counting on your power alone.  Peter knew that if he was going to walk on water it was going to take the power of God.  There is no way that Peter could walk on water with his own power.  Peter was completely reliant on God.  This is where grace comes in.  The supernatural comes by God’s grace and not our power.  On our own we could never do what God is calling us to do, but with God, and His grace, we can do all things.  The renewed mind accepts and calls on God’s supernatural power.


4.  Prepare yourself to LIVE in the supernatural.  God does not want you to merely dibble and dabble in the supernatural.  He wants the supernatural to be your way of life.  Peter operated in the supernatural for a few seconds.  Peter walked on water and defied the law of gravity for a few steps.  But Jesus was not pleased with that.  Jesus said, “You have so little faith, why did you doubt me?”  The word “little” used here is not a reference to quality or quantity.  It is obvious that Peter’s faith was strong, because he tapped into the supernatural to be able to walk on water.  But Jesus was not pleased, because it was merely a ‘short burst’ of faith.  The word “little” here refers to the duration of Peter’s faith.  Anyone can exhibit great faith for a few seconds, but Jesus was looking for Peter to LIVE in faith, in order to LIVE in the supernatural everyday.  Not just for a few seconds, and not just every now and then.  God is looking for us to live in the supernatural daily and we will never do it if our minds are not renewed or reprogrammed to accept the supernatural by God’s undeserved grace.


Closing Confession:  Father, the more I study Your grace, the more I realize the supernatural power You freely make available to me.  My mind is being renewed to the point where I am open to whatever You want to do in my life.  As I take the limits off of You, I am able to dream big dreams — DIVINE DREAMS — that are birthed from my relationship with You.  I am not afraid of dreaming.  I am not afraid of seeing myself the way You see me.  My heart is open to receive all You want to do through me.  My mind is renewed to accept and embrace Your divine assignment for my life.  You bless me to SEE IT with my mind’s eye, and I then muster up the courage to SAY what I SEE in the spirit.  I am not afraid of taking You public.  I am not afraid of stepping out in faith.  I am not afraid of crossing the faith line.  I am not afraid, because I do not have to do it with my own power.  As a matter of fact, I could never do it with my own power anyway.  You are calling me to live beyond my limits, beyond my power, and beyond humanity altogether.  My heart says YES.  My mouth says YES.  And my legs say YES.  By faith I pursue You and Your plans for my life, and my pursuit is not going to be short lived.  Peter walked on water for a few seconds, but I shall live in the supernatural for the rest of my life.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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