Divine Power through Human Surrender

by Rick

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(John 5:30 GW)  I can’t do anything on my own.  As I listen [to the Father], I make my judgments. My judgments are right because I don’t try to do what I want but what the one who sent me wants.


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to teach on “Minimizing Your Humanity and Maximizing Your Divinity.”  For the last few days we looked at what Jesus said in John 5:16-20.  This morning we drop down to verse 30 and we see Jesus, once again, putting the emphasis on the Father and His divinity, instead of Himself and His humanity.


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s take a closer look at what Jesus said and seek to glean from it.


1.  You cannot perform God’s will without relying on God.  Earlier in the passage Jesus said, “The Son can do nothing by himself” (John 5:19).  That is very clear language.  In verse 30 Jesus is equally crystal clear.  He said, “I can’t do anything on my own.”  Listen to the words and notice who is saying them.  This is Jesus Himself.  This is God in the flesh.  This is divinity personified.  This is the only perfect human to ever walk the planet.  If anyone could have operated without the assistance of the Father it was Jesus, but once again, had Jesus chosen to operate in His perfection, then none of us could have followed His example, because none of us are perfect.  Jesus chose to rely on the Father, because that is what we must do every day.  And the Father will use us like He used Jesus, not because we deserve it, but only because of God’s undeserved grace.

2.  Hearing from God leads to good decisions.  Jesus said, “As I listen [to the Father], I make my judgments.  My judgments are right because I don’t try to do what I want but what the one who sent me wants.”  Remember, Jesus was a one-of-a-kind human.  At the age of 12 His knowledge astonished scholars.  If anyone could have relied on his mental faculties, it was Jesus.  But He chose not to, in order to give us the example of how to live.  Jesus did not make decisions based on intellect and education alone.  No, Jesus made decisions based on revelation and divine insight.  He minimized His perfect humanity, in order to rely on God’s inexhaustible divinity.  By doing so, Jesus was able to make perfect decisions, because the decisions were informed by God.  Likewise, you and I can do the same thing.  We have the same Holy Spirit living in us and we can listen to the Father, just like Jesus did.  If we do, and we heed His leading, we will experience supernatural success.  Our decisions will be right, because they will be divinely inspired.  Not because we are humanly perfect, but because God is perfectly gracious towards us.

3.  Divine power is released through human surrender.  Many believers think that Jesus’s power came from His divinity; meaning that He was only able to do what He did because He was God in the flesh.  However, that is not what the Bible teaches.  Jesus clearly expected the disciples to do what He was doing and He had no problem with expressing His frustration when they failed to.  Jesus also made it clear that those would were to come, like You and I, were supposed to do what He did.  Therefore, Jesus’ power could not have come from His divinity.  It came from surrendered humanity.  Jesus totally submitted to the Father, only saying what He heard the Father say and doing what He saw the Father do.  And if we surrender like He surrendered, we will be able to do what He did, and even greater works.  Not because we are perfect, but because God is gracious.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for taking the time to teach me about Your amazing grace and supernatural power.  For years I thought Jesus was used of You, in the ways that He was, because He was God.  But Your Word is teaching me that He operated in the earth like a man, totally surrendered to You.  Jesus lived that way so that I could see an example of how I am supposed to live.  By faith I declare that I will live just like Jesus lived.  I will only say those things I hear You say.  I will only do those things You lead me to do.  I will listen [for Your divine insight] before I make decisions.  My earthly decisions will be influenced by heaven.  As I surrender my will to Yours, and as I allow heaven to influence the earth through me, my decisions will be right, because they will be divinely inspired.  And the results will supernatural, because I will be performing Your will and not my own.  So Father, I am Yours.  I give myself over to You.  I surrender myself to be used just like Jesus was used.  Not because I am perfect like Jesus was perfect.  But because You are gracious and You choose to use me in spite of my imperfections.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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