When I Lose My Way (Pt. 2)

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 57.  We are at the end of Psalm 119 and coming to the end of this series.  I enjoyed verse 176 so much that we are going to revisit it today. Let’s get into it.


David said:


The Passion Bible Translation

(v.176) I’ll never forget what you’ve taught me, Lord, but when I wander off and lose my way, come after me, for I am your beloved!


So what does this mean to you today?  I will share a few thoughts around the fact that even when we lose our way and we make mistakes, God will never turn His back on us or on the plans He made for us before the world began.


1.  God made plans for you by His marvelous grace.

a)  God planned for your arrival, He already mapped out your success, and His plans are not negatively affected by your performance, because His plans were made by (and continue to be rooted in) His unearned grace.

b)  God’s plans for you are much greater than anything you could have ever thought of, dreamed up, or imagined (Eph 3:20).  You never qualified for the plans God made for you, nor are you qualified to complete them. God called you into something you cannot do and He did so despite the fact that you were not humanly eligible for the assignment.  He called you by grace and He then gives you the grace to do what you clearly cannot do without Him.


2.  God loves you unconditionally.

a)  Nothing you did caused God to start loving you and nothing you do will make Him stop.

b)  God’s love is not based on your performance.  His love is based on His grace. This means that it is not contingent upon what you do or fail to do.


3.  God has been, and will continue to be, better to you than you deserve.

a)  In addition to reading about the goodness of God, you have already experienced it.  God has already been better to you than you deserve. God’s goodness towards you far exceeds your performance towards Him.  That’s grace.

b)  God calls you to do what you are not able to do and He calls you into position you are not eligible for.  Grace exceeds ability and eligibility. Even when you lose your way, God’s call is irrevocable. He will never turn His back on you.


4.  God is tirelessly dedicated to you and to the plans He made for you.

a)  The Bible tells us that we can be confident of the fact that God WILL finish what He started in our lives (Phil 1:6); not because we are so good, but because He is.

b)  Even when you are faithLESS to God, He remains faithFUL to you.  Why? Because He lives IN you, His plans for you were set before you were born, and He is committed to the plans He made.  For God to deny or disown you, He would have to deny and disown Himself (see 2 Tim 2:13).

c)  When satan looks at you he sees sin.  When God looks at you He sees His Son.  God sees you covered by the Blood of His Son and filled with His Spirit.  So for God to deny you, He would have to deny Himself!

d)  The God of Grace wants to bless you because He is so good, not because you are.

e)  The God of Grace will work with you to fulfill His assignment for your life, despite of your imperfections.

f)  The heroes of the Bible were not perfect, they were simply forgiven and they opened up their hearts to be used despite their flaws.  Learn from them.

g)  The God of Grace is in the business of making holy garments from flawed material, so the emphasis can be on Him and not you.


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect to be used of You in a mighty way. Not because I am perfect, but because You are.  Not because I am so good, but because You are committed to the plans You made for me before the world began.  Thank You Father for loving me even when I ignored You. For never turning Your back on me. For looking past my faults, flaws and failures.  For deciding to use me by Your unearned grace. You are ON me, IN me, WITH me and FOR me. You are more dedicated to me than I am to myself. For that Father, I am thankful.  I enter this day, and every day, with an expectation of Your manifestation in my life. My expectation is not rooted in my performance. It is rooted and grounded in Your amazing grace.  Thank You Father for being so good TO ME and so good THROUGH ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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