Faith In The Word

by Rick

Today we continue our new series entitled, “Expecting the Word to Work!”  This is part 2.


I trust you enjoyed the opening message in the series.  I am looking forward to teaching on the Parable of the Sower.  As I do, you will learn how the Word of God can produce a harvest in your life.  Jesus taught that sometimes the harvest is 30-fold, sometimes it is 60-fold, and sometimes you experience a 100-fold harvest from the Word.  Before I get into the parable, I will use one more message to lay the groundwork for it. Today’s message will flow in the same vein as yesterday’s.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  God calls you into the impossible.  He invites you into the supernatural.  He does this through His written Word and through the words He speaks to you by the Holy Spirit.  When you receive a Word from God calling you to do something you clearly cannot do on your own, it puts you in position to release your faith.  Faith believes what God has spoken. Faith believes what God declared, no matter how impossible it may seem! Faith puts the emphasis on God’s power and not your lack of it.  Faith says, “If God said it, then I can do it.  Not by my power, but by His!”  This is the mindset required to walk and live by faith.


  1.  Faith is not you coming up with something and then asking God to bless it or give you the power to do it.  Faith believes what God has already declared. So if God said it, you don’t have to ask Him for the power to do it.  If He spoke it, then He has already given you the grace to perform it.


  1.  If God said it, and you know what He said is clearly impossible, then guess what?  The impossible just became possible for you. The fact that God said it is His invitation for you to experience it.


  1.  Jesus lived by divine revelation every day.  He only said what He heard the Father say and He only did what He saw the Father do.  Hearing and seeing in the Spirit are critical. This is how we are supposed to live. God is constantly speaking.  He reveals His will to you in His Word and by His Spirit. His revelation then becomes your invitation for participation.
  2.  Your ability to receive Word is critical to your ability to live supernaturally.  If you don’t know what God said, then you don’t know what you can or cannot do.


  1.  We want to see the supernatural in our marriages, relationships, careers, finances, and etc.  Getting the Word of God on it, finding out what God has said and/or is saying, is critical to us living in the supernatural in these areas.


  1.  Hearing what God said and then believing His Word by faith enables/empowers you to do what God said.


  1.  Many people think things are impossible.  In a sense they are right. Humanly speaking, there are many things that are impossible for us.  However, things are only impossible until you get a Word from God on it. Once you have the Word, nothing is impossible to you.


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I live my life in anticipation of Your manifestation and with an expectation of Your goodness daily.  I believe every Word You speak to me. I also believe that along with the Word, You gave me the power (grace) to DO what You said.  You will never command me to do something You have not already graced me to do. Therefore, when I receive Your Word, I also receive Your grace.  I can and will do everything You tell me to do. Your revelation is my invitation for divine participation. This is how I live a supernatural life.  This is how the impossible becomes possible for me! If you said it, I believe it, I believe I can do it, and I launch out into it by faith! I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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