When The Earth Agrees with Heaven

by Rick

(1 Samuel 17:41-47)


This morning I continue our series entitled, “Standing on a Word from God.”  This is Part 46 of the series and Part 18 of the life of David.  


Goliath saw this as a battle between two mere men; or in this case, a grown man and a little kid.  However, David saw this as a battle between one man without God and one man anointed by the only true God.  David knew the grace of God was on his life and since he was being led of God, he was completely confident in the God who was leading him.  David relied on His God for the victory. How do I know this? It is evident by David’s words. Pay close attention to what David said. David declared, “Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head.”  Think about that for a minute.  David’s confidence was in God and He knew the Lord Himself would be involved in conquering Goliath.  Now David clearly had a part.  It’s just that his confidence was not in his ability or strength.  David’s confidence was in God. David said God would do the conquering and he would do the killing and the cutting.


I also want to point out the fact that David said he would cut Goliath’s cut off and he did not even have a sword.  How could David say what he said with such confidence? I believe it is because the Lord had already revealed to David what was going to happen.  All David had to do was agree, in the earth, with what heaven had already planned.  David’s part was to cooperate so God could operate in the earth.  David’s part was to manifest on earth what had been revealed to him from heaven.  


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


  1.  You have a part and God has a part.  Your part is to cooperate with God so He can freely operate through you.  If you don’t cooperate He won’t operate through you, because God honors your free will.  He will not force His will on you. You must freely choose His will over your own.


  1.  There is no need to fear when you know God’s grace is on you to face what you are facing.  When you are confident that you are doing what the Lord is leading you to do, you can trust that His grace is already on you to experience victory.  There is no need to fear.


  1.  Prayer is about the earth agreeing with heaven.  Prayer is not about you making up what you want and then asking God to bless it.  Prayer is about finding out what God, in heaven, wants to do in the earth, and then agreeing with Him to bring it to pass.  That’s how you can see His Kingdom come, and His will be done. Where? On earth! How? As it is in heaven!


  1.  When you are convinced of God’s will you pray from a position OF victory, not FOR victory.  Once God reveals something to you that He planned to do in you or through you, your role is to believe and receive it by faith.  If you truly believe and receive it, you don’t pray FOR it, you pray FROM it. Said another way, if you truly believe God already did it, then you are not asking for it, you are operating from the position of God’s finished work.  David did not enter the Valley of Elah looking FOR a victory. David entered FROM the position OF victory. He already saw himself cutting the giants head off. God had already given David a glimpse of what was going to happen. David’s part was faith.  Faith believes what God says is already done, and faith operates from the position OF IT, not FOR IT! If you ever get this revelation, your relationship with God an your life in the earth will never be the same.


Closing Confession:  

Father, I thank You for this teaching.  It is clear to me that David could not have known what was going to happen, exactly the way it was going to happen, unless You revealed it to him.  You revealed to David was heaven’s will was and he cooperated with you to see Your will done, on earth, as it was in heaven. What You did for David you do for me!  You reveal to me what You want to accomplish in, with, and through me; and I then walk it out by faith. What You want to do through me is already done in heaven. My job is to cooperate with You to bring it to pass in the earth.  You show me what You want to do in my life and I step out in faith to bring it to pass. Living this way I do not launch out FOR the victory. I launch out FROM the position of VICTORY! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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